I have downloaded the Northwind C# adapter project. ( I understand that it is a good demo to get up and running)
I want to convert it to a more MVC.
I "dabbled" several times in UIP and might go back to that architecture for:
1) controller functionality
2) wizard-functionality
eg, in the Customermanager.cs form, there is a customerOnfo section at the top of the winform.I have put all this UI into a userCtrl...."ucCustomerInfo"
Now, there is a button on this form that launches a new form "CustomerSelector.cs"
Obviously, the userCtrl should not be aware of this form, that Is why I am thinking of re-visiting the UIP...So that I can assign controllers to the winforms and userCtrls
Can anyone comment? I'm hoping that there's scope for a wee bit of MVC chat.
many thanks,