bmoeskau wrote:
I can see in the documentation that you should be able to do what I need through the LLBL object model, I just cannot seem to wrap my brain around it yet. I would really appreciate a pointer in the right direction. I am going to have an administrative page for viewing usage stats, etc. Here's a sample (not complete, but you get the idea) stored proc for the type of view I want to create:
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[pr_GetUserStats]
@StartDate datetime,
@EndDate datetime
SELECT COUNT(*) as TotalEventsCreated
FROM Events
DATEDIFF(day, CreateDate, @StartDate) <= 0
AND DATEDIFF(day, CreateDate, @EndDate) >= 0
The main problem is DATEDIFF. You can however rewrite this to:
SELECT COUNT(*) as TotalEventsCreated
FROM Events
CreateDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
You can then write that as a call to GetDbCount on the Adapter (if you're using adapter) or the TotalEventsCreatedCollection if you're using selfservicing, by passing in a Between predicate created using PredicateFactory.Between(). Be sure you pass in startdate as a date with time = 0.0.0 and enddate with a time set to 23.59.59.
count(ev.EventID) as NumEventsCreated,
m.MemberName as CreatedBy
Events ev
JOIN members m
on m.MemberID = ev.CreatedBy
DATEDIFF(day, ev.CreateDate, @StartDate) <= 0
AND DATEDIFF(day, ev.CreateDate, @EndDate) >= 0
NumEventsCreated desc
You can create this using a dynamic list. To get you started:
ResultsetFields fields = new ResultsetFields(2);
fields.DefineField(EventsFieldIndex.EventID, 0, "NumEventsCreated", string.Empty, AggregateFunction.Count);
fields.DefineField(MembersFieldIndex.MemberName, 1, "CreatedBy");
// in selfservicing, you have to use a separate relationcollection and predicateexpression
// instead of a RelationPredicateBucket which is adapter specific
RelationPredicateBucket filter = new RelationPredicateBucket();
// add here the between predicate as created with the GetDBCount
// then create a groupby:
GroupByCollection groupBy = new GroupByCollection(0;
// then create a sortexpression
Then use the dynamic list fetch logic as described in Using the generated code -> selfservicing/adapter -> Using the typed view and typed list classes -> Creating Dynamic lists