Thanks for the prompt response. I guess that is why i could not find the documentation!
The reason I want to use Template comments, is that I would like to mark sections of Template files where they have been edited from the originals. This means that if newer versions of the templates are released, it is much easier to identify the custom code and merge it in to the new versions.
If anyone else is wishing to do the same thing, I have found it can be achieved easily by using a "StringValueEquals" IF statement that will always evaluate to false. I have been using the following:
<[ If StringValueEquals TemplateName "Comment" ]> Comments <[ EndIf ]>
This will work as long as a Template Set is never created with the name "Comments".
An alternative would be to extend the TDL language - but the above should serve as a shortcut in the mean time.
I would like to add that LLBL is an awesome tool - I only wish i had it several years ago!