Woohoo! Just went live with my second public website using LLBLGenPro.
It's for keeping families connected. If you've got kids, and step-kids, and grandparents and uncles and aunts, you know that keeping them up to date with little Jimmy's baseball game and little betty's soccer practice is quite a chore. This site helps that, and more. It gives your family a meeting place, a home page for calendar events, family news, photos, and more. Cool!
Check it out at http://www.nearbinder.com
This one uses AJAX technology as well (my brain hurts...). AJAX is a method for remote procedure calls, and when invoked from webpages create a unique user experience. AJAX is the technology behind Google's GMail, Google Maps, and Google Suggest. This site is not as pretty as those, but it's quite unique. Notice that you're browser's back button never lights up. Weird!
I'm waiting (Ok, slobbering) for the inheritance features so I can add my version 2.0 stuff. That one LLBLGenPro feature is going to save me hundreds of hours.
Shameless plug here for my other LLBLGenPro created site, a roundup of .NET controls and tools:
Thanks to Frans and company for making these sites possible!