I need to pull data from two databases and expose from a BLL or middle tier of some sort. I prefer to expose only LLBLGenPro entities. Logically, the tables in the two databases are related to each other, but of course since they are separate databases there are not actually foreign keys defined.
If both databases are SQL databases maybe this is problematic enough. But while both are in SQL Server 2000, one of them is Microsoft CRM and so I am supposed to use only the CRM API to access this data.
Is it possible for me to create LLBLGenPro entities that wrap tables that are in separate databases precisely as if they were in the same database and the FKs defined between them? For example I might have a Persons table with an AccountID that is a foreign key. But Persons is in one database and AccountBase is a CRM table. If they were in same database then I could reference Person.Account, etc.
This is different, I believe, from the usual "multiple database support" question posted on here in which someone has identical schema in different databases. Here I have different schema but they are related and really should be in same database (but one is CRM so putting other tables in it is considered no-no by Microsoft).