What if the customer is new? In that case you can't save the order, you have to save the customer then.
AHHH, frans the genius
I didnt think about that. But what if i need to do some business logic prior to saving that customer to verify something or another?
simply dump the entities to save in an EntityCollection and save non-recursive
So if i understand correctly. I would call Save twice, once for teh order entity, and once for the OrderItems entity Collection. This would then not follow the graph, assuming i told save to be NON recursive. That would work.
I thought of something last night, but it doesnt appear the designer supports it. One solution i thought up was to create the Order entity and Orderitems in the designer, then get rid of all relations to those two entities, just keep the relation between the OrderEntity and the OrderItemsEntities. Then add ANOTHER OrderEntity (name it slight different obvisously) and another OrderItemsEntity(again name it different, orderitems1 or something) to the project. Leave all relations connected to it.
I could see this possibly being useful. I dunno, i dont think it woudl be hard to implement. In this case, i could except OrderEntity as parameter to my function and save can still be recursive since only OrderItems is connected to it.