sirshannon wrote:
JimFoye wrote:
You know what I hate, is when I drive down the road and see a billboard that says, "Does advertising work? Just did!". No, it didn't.
You don't understand the point of advertising.
If you read that billboard, then it worked. Because that was the point of the billboard.
Surely you didn't actually think that seeing a laundry detergent on a billboard was supposed to cause you to pick up your mobile and call in an order for a gallon. If the point of advertising was to cause an instant sale, then 99% of all advertising would be a failure (instead of the current 50%).
Google ads cost money. To get back the money, the google ad has to lead to sales, directly or indirectly (mostly indirectly). So IMHO it's not that important if the sale is direct or indirect, the ad is there to sell something, be it an image so you'll know the name and come back later or try to convince you to take a look at a site you weren't planning to visit.
IMHO the whole ad-payed website business model is seriously flawed. Back in 1994 when I made my first website, it was all about content (no images! ), mostly hosted on university servers. The fun thing is, that never changed, except for the hosting part. It's still solely about content. No-one visits a website for the ads. (at least no sane people).
It's not a surprise more and more people try to find a way to get rid of ads on websites, mostly because they're annoying (flickering flash crap or animated gifs) and/or distracting and/or seem to blend into the content you're looking for that it's hard to distinguish them from the content (which IMHO is the start for real trouble).
Some people understand that content is important, not the ad. If you want to pay your bills be sure you have content people want to pay money for. If not, your content is perhaps not that special. Don't make the mistake a lot of websites make: the internet is a pull-medium: the visitor decides what kind of content s/he will see, not the website hosts. This sounds weird perhaps, but it's the person with the browser who decides to which link s/he browses.
But what's the problem today? Less and less companies are willing to pay huge piles of cash for bannering and other ads, because less and less people will see these banners and ads and will click on them. The websites who based their business model on bannering and ads see their money source run out and want to convince users not to use ad-blockers. The largest dutch techwebsite even treatens to ban you if you run banner-blockers. A sign they clearly didn't get it. To bind users to you, to gain money, you should provide CONTENT for money, as the sole reason users are visiting your website is the content.
sirshannon wrote:
Otis wrote:
I think everyone should be free to determine by themselves which bytes they're pulling over the internet into their own machine's memory. There's already enough bandwidth lost due to ads at almost every site you can imagine.
We should be free to determine that and, to some extent, we are free to determine that. But that bandwidth argument isn't really anything worth mentioning, the size of the text ads google uses are much too small to consider a problem.
It was a general remark. I don't care if an ad is 16 bytes long, I don't visit a site for an ad. The sole reason I don't visit IDG websites for example is that whenever I do that, I first have to wait 20 seconds (their code is apparently that slow, I'm on a large ADSL pipe) till the ad page is loaded and I can proceed to the content I'm actually trying to visit. I found out way too many times the content there wasn't that interesting or was available elsewhere as well. So why bother going there?
I'm just pointing out the shame I feel when I block ads on a poor starving blogger's site even though they're words are worthy of my time and I do not plan on even giving them the chance to put a click-worthy ad in front of me.
Why feel shame? YOU decide what you'll read. He was lucky you visited his blog so his writing got read. That's the core deal: publishing some content on the web is easy. Being read by a lot of people is another thing. If I find it hard to read the actual content because ads in whatever format they're presented distract me from reading the actual content I either try to block the ads or go away.
If a poor person tries to keep his/her site up by adding some advertising I don't mind, as long as it's not distracting me from reading the content. Though that's the whole point: ads which don't grab the attention of the reader are useless. So it's in fact a catch 22. And I must confess that every time I see a great content providing site being destroyed by the advertisements I feel a little more sad: where is the old atmosphere where you could publish content and people would read it because it was good content? Why does everything have to be turned into a money maker? "Oh we're succesful, let's squeese as much money out of it while it lasts!"
For the record, I'm willing to bet my "hosts" file is bigger than yours. I've been using the supertrick for years.
My hosts file is empty so I think you win this contest. My adblock list though is quite long. I almost never see an ad while I browse websites. And I don't feel sorry for that either, it makes the internet look as if the spirit of the old days is back again.