Saving an entity

Posts: 2
Joined: 28-Jan-2005
# Posted on: 13-Apr-2005 17:00:39   

Hello Otis

The problem is that when we to try to save an entity, new records are inserted in the related tables. For example, when we save a CompanyEntity, new JobsEntity is inserted , which it basically creates new jobs we don't have/offer.

The generated insert statement is "insert into Jobs () values ()", which is not a valid sql-transact statement.

chears, Ibrahim

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 13-Apr-2005 17:43:12   

Do you by any chance add a new jobs entity to the CompanyEntity ? The error you get is when no fields are set to a new value, but the entity has an identity PK column.

Could you please paste a code snippet in which you save the CompanyEntity ?

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro