We are using an adhocTemplates file, which is located within our source repo (as opposed to the My Documents area). It's working fine, but the designer seems to embed the absolute path into the project file. This causes issues when two developers don't have the same working path and so on. Is there a way to preserve the relative path?
I have configured the "Additional tasks folder" and "Additional templates folder" to this folder using relative paths. The designer finds it, but ultimately it still embeds the full path into the project file each time.
E.g. git shows this diff when two different devs have generated:
- <AdhocTemplateSet Name="C:\Users\bob\source\repos\Product\Source\DAL\.\llblgen\LLBLGen Pro v5\Tasks\Product.adhoctemplates" />
+ <AdhocTemplateSet Name="C:\Dev\Product\Source\DAL\.\llblgen\LLBLGen Pro v5\Tasks\Product.adhoctemplates" />