I have a use case whereby a table (ExternalData) needs to be joined to an input table (ExternalDataInbox). All Entities present in the Inbox but not the receiving table are Inserts, all Entities present in both are updates, and all Entities not present in the Inbox are deletes. I cannot get the syntax to work:
var db = new LinqMetaData(dataAccessAdapter);
// Inserts: no ExternalData exists
var insertsQuery = from edi in db.ExternalDataInbox
where edi.TenantGuid == tenantGuid &&
!db.ExternalData.Any(ed =>
ed.TenantGuid == edi.TenantGuid &&
ed.ExternalEntityName == edi.ExternalEntityName &&
ed.ExternalReference == edi.ExternalReference)
select edi;
// Updates: matching ExternalData exists
var updatesQuery = from edi in db.ExternalDataInbox
join ed in db.ExternalData
on new { edi.TenantGuid, edi.ExternalReference, edi.ExternalEntityName }
equals new { ed.TenantGuid, ed.ExternalReference, ed.ExternalEntityName }
into edJoin
// inner join
from ed in edJoin
where edi.TenantGuid == tenantGuid &&
edi.UpdateDateTime > lastUpdateDateTimeFromInbox
select new { edi, ed };
// Deletes: ExternalData without matching Inbox
var deletesQuery = from ed in db.ExternalData
where ed.TenantGuid == tenantGuid &&
!db.ExternalDataInbox.Any(edi =>
edi.TenantGuid == ed.TenantGuid &&
edi.ExternalEntityName == ed.ExternalEntityName &&
edi.ExternalReference == ed.ExternalReference)
select ed;
return new ExternalDataStateDto(
insertsQuery.Select(e => new ExternalDataWithInbox(null, e)).ToArray(),
updatesQuery.Select(e => new ExternalDataWithInbox(e.ed, e.edi)).ToArray(),
deletesQuery.Select(e => new ExternalDataWithInbox(e, null)).ToArray());
This results in an Exception of type:
SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.ORMQueryExecutionException: 'An exception was caught during the execution of a retrieval query: The multi-part identifier "LPLA_2.guid" could not be bound.
The multi-part identifier "LPLA_2.id" could not be bound.
... etc
The fields that could not be bound belong to the ExternalData (receiving) Entity.
I don't see where I am going wrong.
I previously tried it with an outer join (combining Insert and Update), but in this case I get returned an array of ExternalDataInbox Entities (on the Insert part) which are all empty (filled with default values). I caught this query using the debugger and ran it myself, it returns the proper dataset. So the 'error' seems to occur during the part where the retrieved data is propagated into the DTO:
var db = new LinqMetaData(dataAccessAdapter);
// in case of an Insert, there is no ExternalData record yet. Else it's an update.
var insertsUpdates = from edi in db.ExternalDataInbox
join ed in db.ExternalData
on new { edi.TenantGuid, edi.ExternalReference, edi.ExternalEntityName }
equals new { ed.TenantGuid, ed.ExternalReference, ed.ExternalEntityName }
into edJoin
from ed in edJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
where edi.TenantGuid == tenantGuid &&
// only return Inbox Entities later than the last sync action
edi.UpdateDateTime > lastUpdateDateTimeFromInbox
select new
Insert = ed == null,
// deletes normally don't occur (unless a Developer cleans Inbox Entities), but are
// defined as an ExternalData without corresponding ExternalDataInbox
var deletes = from ed in db.ExternalData
join edi in db.ExternalDataInbox
on new { ed.TenantGuid, ed.ExternalReference, ed.ExternalEntityName }
equals new { edi.TenantGuid, edi.ExternalReference, edi.ExternalEntityName }
into ediJoin
from edi in ediJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
where ed.TenantGuid == tenantGuid
select new
ediFound = edi != null
IQueryable<ExternalDataWithInbox>? toInsert = insertsUpdates.Where(e => e.Insert)
.Select(e => new ExternalDataWithInbox(null, e.edi));
IQueryable<ExternalDataWithInbox> toUpdate = insertsUpdates.Where(e => !e.Insert)
.Select(e => new ExternalDataWithInbox(e.ed, e.edi));
IQueryable<ExternalDataWithInbox> toDelete = deletes.Where(e => !e.ediFound)
.Select(e => new ExternalDataWithInbox(e.ed, null));
return new ExternalDataStateDto(toInsert.ToArray(), toUpdate.ToArray(), toDelete.ToArray());
This latter query has my preference because it theoretically performs better (1 less query to the database) but I am unable to get it to work. Where am I going wrong?