I'd like the linq query below to be case sensitive in the Tag == "Storefront" part of the where clause sent the the SQL server database:
var id = 3203;
var count = 200000;
var responseFileTagCountEntity = new ResponseFileTagCountEntity(id);
var customerId = responseFileTagCountEntity.CustomerId;
var metaData = new LinqMetaData();
var pictures = (from t in metaData.ResponseFileTag
join f in metaData.ResponseFile on t.ResponseFileId equals f.ResponseFileId
join r in metaData.Response on f.ResponseId equals r.ResponseId
where t.Tag == "Storefront" // <- make case sensitive
&& r.CustomerId == customerId
&& r.DeleteMarkedByUserId == null && r.PublishedByUserId != null
&& f.DeleteMarkedByUserId == null
orderby t.ResponseFileTagId descending
select new
.Select(t => new
id = t.ResponseFileId,
tag = t.Tag,
path = $"{t.CustomerId}/{t.ResponseBegin2.Year}/{t.ResponseBegin2.Month}/{t.ResponseId}/{t.FileName}"
The linq produces the following SQL:
SELECT TOP(200000) [LPA_L2].[ResponseFileId], [LPA_L1].[Tag], [LPA_L3].[CustomerId], [LPA_L3].[ResponseBegin2], [LPA_L3].[ResponseId], [LPA_L2].[FileName]
FROM (([InStoreExcellence].[dbo].[ResponseFileTag] [LPA_L1]
INNER JOIN [InStoreExcellence].[dbo].[ResponseFile] [LPA_L2] ON [LPA_L1].[ResponseFileId] = [LPA_L2].[ResponseFileId])
INNER JOIN [InStoreExcellence].[dbo].[Response] [LPA_L3] ON [LPA_L2].[ResponseId] = [LPA_L3].[ResponseId])
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
( [LPA_L1].[Tag] = 'Storefront')
AND ( [LPA_L3].[CustomerId] = 36))
AND ( [LPA_L3].[DeleteMarkedByUserId] IS NULL))
AND ( [LPA_L3].[PublishedByUserId] IS NOT NULL))
AND ( [LPA_L2].[DeleteMarkedByUserId] IS NULL)))))))
ORDER BY [LPA_L1].[ResponseFileTagId] DESC
Is it possible to add COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS to the where clause? So the SQL ends up something like this:
SELECT TOP(200000) [LPA_L2].[ResponseFileId], [LPA_L1].[Tag], [LPA_L3].[CustomerId], [LPA_L3].[ResponseBegin2], [LPA_L3].[ResponseId], [LPA_L2].[FileName]
FROM (([InStoreExcellence].[dbo].[ResponseFileTag] [LPA_L1]
INNER JOIN [InStoreExcellence].[dbo].[ResponseFile] [LPA_L2] ON [LPA_L1].[ResponseFileId] = [LPA_L2].[ResponseFileId])
INNER JOIN [InStoreExcellence].[dbo].[Response] [LPA_L3] ON [LPA_L2].[ResponseId] = [LPA_L3].[ResponseId])
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
( [LPA_L1].[Tag] = 'Storefront' COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS)
AND ( [LPA_L3].[CustomerId] = 36))
AND ( [LPA_L3].[DeleteMarkedByUserId] IS NULL))
AND ( [LPA_L3].[PublishedByUserId] IS NOT NULL))
AND ( [LPA_L2].[DeleteMarkedByUserId] IS NULL)))))))
ORDER BY [LPA_L1].[ResponseFileTagId] DESC