Otis wrote:
The name after <PrefetchPath> is the navigator mapped onto the relationship. You can see in the designer what name it should be. The navigator name didn't change because you migrated the project, unless the project was recreated from scratch using 5.x. Check what navigator you need to use to fetch the related entity, then specify that PrefetchPathNavigatorName
After the migration , I am not able to see the particular methods on the corresponding entities .
For Eg. In the DepartmentEntity , they provide only one prefetch path.
public static IPrefetchPathElement2 PrefetchPathDepartmentUsers { get { return _staticMetaData.GetPrefetchPathElement("DepartmentUsers", CommonEntityBase.CreateEntityCollection<DepartmentUserEntity>()); } }
But in the code we are mapping to a different one, ie.,
So do we need to create a related entity or we can simply remove the line of code. Please provide the solution