Few months ago I tried to change the way Presentation Layer deals with entity objects and entity collections by exposing them as interfaces (http://www.llblgen.com/tinyforum/Messages.aspx?ThreadID=1664).
By doing that I got for example (speaking in Northwind terms):
public class OrderEntity : EntityBase2, IOrderEntity, ...
// Properties
public IList Orders // (IList instead of EntityCollection)
... // Exactly same implementation as in original template.
public ICustomerEntity Customer // (ICustomerEntity instead of CustomerEntity)
... // Exactly same implementation as in original template.
public interface IOrderEntity
IList Orders
ICustomerEntity Customer
But I ran into some problems while doing recursive save which failed on one to many relations. I tried to figure out what was going on, but eventually I gave up on it (well, it seemed until now
I wonder if anyone has tried anything like that? Will it be possible in new version of LLBLGen Pro?