In our Oracle 11.2 PL/SQL package SPEC, there is a Proc listed twice "get_owned_inventory", just differing in params. (see below)
When LLBL Syncs notice how, in the screenshot, it **combines all the params ** from both procs into one, then when it tries to get the TypedView schema fails of course as there is no call for a proc with both sets of params in one call:
Error: 'Stored procedure 'XX_WEB_INVENTORY_PKG.GET_OWNED_INVENTORY' caused an exception during resultset retrieval.
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GET_OWNED_INVENTORY'
See screenshot for the Proc LLBL creates, it combines both sets of params into one big call.
PROCEDURE get_owned_inventory
p_user_name IN VARCHAR2,
p_search_sku IN VARCHAR2,
p_supplier_id IN NUMBER,
x_inventory OUT SYS_REFCURSOR,
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
x_return_msg OUT VARCHAR2
PROCEDURE get_owned_inventory
p_user_name IN VARCHAR2,
p_vendor_id IN NUMBER,
p_warehouse_code IN VARCHAR2,
p_subinventory_code IN VARCHAR2,
p_search_type IN VARCHAR2,
x_inventory OUT SYS_REFCURSOR,
x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2,
x_return_msg OUT VARCHAR2