OrmProfiler (v2.0.1 from 9.2019)
Latest LLBLGen + Nuget packages
been playing with a test solution to check out how much work is needed to move from full to core and noticed that queries are not always intercepted. Thought it was something with the projects, references, but it seems that it depends on which app runs first. I have 4.7.2 and 3.1 console apps. If I open OrmProfiler and run/stop/run/stop 4.7.2 app - queries are captured. Then if I set 3.1 console project as a start up and run it - nothing is captured, if 4.7.2 console app is ran again - it logs again. To intercept queries from 3.1 I need to restart the OrmProfiler and then start the 3.1 app first and because 3.1 was started first setting 4.7.2 app as a startup project and running it results in no queries being logged.
Thank you!
UPDATE: added entity update:
var q = qf.Test.Limit( 1 );
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
using (var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter( connString ))
var result = (IList<TestEntity>) adapter.FetchQuery( q );
var group = result.SingleOrDefault();
Console.WriteLine( group.GroupName );
group.GroupName = group.GroupName + 1;
adapter.SaveEntity( group );
Can see a SELECTs AND UPDATEs for 4.7.2 app, but 3.1 app shows only SELECTs for the most of the time, sometimes I do see an UPDATE, but it's not consistent, yet data is modified in db.
4.7.2 is using the old SQL client and 3.1 is using the new Microsoft.Data.SqlClient:
var t = typeof( Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory );
var type = InterceptorCore.Initialize( "appName", t );