Hello all,
I want to connect to MySQL Database and I noticed that is a potential issue with the driver that is provided by DevArt:
According to the test that was done it is possible to use LLBLGen Pro Designer with MySQL Server. However, after the project is generated and then running and compiling an application in .net core I had this exception:
"Devart.Common.LicenseException: 'Feature is not supported. This error is thrown by Devart .NET Standard assemblies if license key validation fails. Possible reasons: 1. License key is not found, refer to the "Licensing .NET Standard (.NET Core) Projects" article in the product documentation. 2. Your product edition (the key was generated for) doesn't support the feature you are trying to use, refer to the editions matrix. 3. Your key is outdated for using the current product version, renew the license key in the Customer Portal.':
The code that throwed the exception was compiled with this code:
c => c.AddDbProviderFactory(typeof(Devart.Data.MySql.MySqlProviderFactory)));
var connstring = "User Id=****;Password=***;Host=***;Port=3306;Database=***;";
var da = new test2.DatabaseSpecific.DataAccessAdapter(connstring);
//da.CatalogNameUsageSetting = SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.CatalogNameUsage.Clear;
var orders = new test2.HelperClasses.EntityCollection<test2.EntityClasses.CountryEntity>();
da.FetchEntityCollection(orders, null);
Considering the above, it looks like the documentation from LLBL Gen Pro where it is specified that "the express version is OK" works only for .Net Full Framework. In .net core you need the standard edition.
Please let me know if the observation is correct and if you consider that it is required the standard license instead of the express(free) from DevArt.
Thank you,