Hi there,
It's not enough context so understand your problem. We need more information, please look at these guidelines.
LLBLGen build version is a must; Did you generate code using Adapter or SelfServicing template set?, ... then your custom code that is in ClienteleRepository.GetAllClienteles() at ClienteleRepository.cs:line 43, from which the exception is triggered.
lukerobb3 wrote:
I have two proejcts each for repository and service pattern. I made a data access layer.
What do you mean when you say "I have two projects"? Are those the ones that LLBLGen generates (DBGeneric and DBSpecific) or do you mean two complete separate data access layer projects. Please clarify your solution setup.
Can you reproduce your situation from zero (new llblgen project, add entities, generate code, add your custom test code and receive the same error)?