Font Scaling

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Joined: 09-Feb-2020
# Posted on: 25-Mar-2020 05:37:07   


I've been using the designer (version 5.6.2) for a week or so now.

I must be missing something.

Is there a way to make the application fonts bigger?

I have scaled my display as well as my text in Windows 10 settings, but the text in, for example, the two Explorer trees do not change size. The menus do, with Windows text scaling, but not in the tree views, grids, etc.

See attachment for an extreme example. That is sized to 150% in both text and Windows. The menus, and some labels on the Welcome page are resizing larger, but not the rest.

Filename File size Added on Approval
Llblgen_150.jpg 268,028 25-Mar-2020 05:37.15 Approved
daelmo avatar
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# Posted on: 25-Mar-2020 06:45:30   

Hi timbered,

IMHO, there's no built-in functionality to modify such fonts, and this is the first time I hear about someone who needs it. Would you please tell us why you need to increase the font size of the elements in the designer? Wouldn't be adjusting your display resolution enough?

David Elizondo | LLBLGen Support Team
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# Posted on: 25-Mar-2020 07:00:16   

Changing my display resolution to a non native monitor setting makes all sorts of problems in other things - jagged text, aspect ratios, etc.

If I change my Windows font sizing or general display scaling, everything in Visual Studio adjust accordingly.

Not so in Llblgen.

Why is because I'm 54 years old with a large display, and I'd like to be able to see what I'm doing.

It's not a show stopper. But it is kind of annoying.

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 25-Mar-2020 09:09:48   

Hmm, these fonts should change size however. It's odd that it doesn't work on your end. We'll see what we can do.

To make sure we use the same scaling, on the Display settings, you have set the Change the size of text, apps and other items to 150% or so?

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 25-Mar-2020 09:16:09   

Using Nvidia DSR I've set my monitor to 4K (I use a 1920x1200 monitor), and scaling is set to 225%. (I picked 200% as well, which worked as well, perhaps you used a custom scaling factor?). I signed out to take it effect and logged back in (this is essential).

Then I started the designer and loaded a project. Looks alright here. I don't know what you have selected tho in the display settings in windows 10.

(see attached screenshot)

Filename File size Added on Approval
4KTest.PNG 470,916 25-Mar-2020 09:16.26 Approved
Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 25-Mar-2020 12:28:54   


Yes, logged out and logged back in. I'm also at 1920x1200. I have Win 10 scaling and fonts both set to 110%.

I might think it's a display driver or something, except it doesn't happen in Visual Studio. VS properly scales with the Win settings.

But, if this were a general Llblgen issue, I'm sure you would have heard about it before now.

The only odd part of my setup is it's running in a VMware virtual machine. But like I said, VS seems OK.

I'll futz around with it after a work deadline I have in a couple weeks. I also recently acquired the Devexpress libraries, so I can see if maybe that's where the issue is.

In the meantime, you can close this. If I get more info, I'll post an update.

Thanks for your help!


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 25-Mar-2020 13:07:32   

ah the vmware might be a problem there. I had a hard time getting that right as the thing is that it often takes over the scaling of the host, while you set the scaling in the guest.

In any case, could you try 125% instead of 110% ? SOrry for this inconvenience, it can be a pain at times... disappointed

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro