Set an alias in entity without defined relation in a query using QuerySpec

Posts: 62
Joined: 14-Feb-2017
# Posted on: 24-Jan-2020 11:48:23   


Some of my views are reversed as entity because I want to be able to use them in Linq query. Because theses "entities" are in fact views, they haven't any foreign keyand so I can't use the


syntax but must use the following one


In one of mys query, I want to use QuerySpec and add the same view (as entity) twice but can't figure how to set an alias in this case.

var query = qf.GenieCivilView
.LeftJoin(qf.StationView, "ALIAS").On(StationViewFields.Id == GenieCivilViewFields.IdStation)

To summary, I want to set an alias on a entity (corresponding to a view) in a query using QuerySpec. Is there a way to do it or not ?

Thanks in advance

  • LLBLGEN : 5.6 (5.6.0) RTM - build 2019/08/20
  • Database : Oracle 11g
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# Posted on: 24-Jan-2020 12:43:29   

When needed, you should use .As() to alias the entity, and .Source() to set the alias on the field.


var q = qf.Create()
() => new
    ID = OrderFields.OrderId.ToValue<int>(),
    LastName = EmployeeFields.LastName.Source("E").ToValue<string>(),
    ManagerName = EmployeeFields.LastName.As("ManagerName").Source("M").ToValue<string>()
        .InnerJoin(qf.Employee.As("E")).On(OrderFields.EmployeeId == EmployeeFields.EmployeeId.Source("E"))
        .LeftJoin(qf.Employee.As("M")).On(EmployeeFields.EmployeeId.Source("M") == EmployeeFields.ReportsTo.Source("E")));

var results = adapter.FetchQuery(q);

Posts: 62
Joined: 14-Feb-2017
# Posted on: 24-Jan-2020 14:46:45   


As always, efficient simple_smile