Apart from the UC SQL Server also creates an unique index, with the fields in the same order. This index can be used in queries and this is where the order of the fields does matter.
I have a table with a UC on OrderId and LineId. The update script was generated with the fields in alphabetical order, so LineId before OrderId. An unique index was also added with the fields in the same order.
Joining this table with the order was slow. Just changing the order of the fields in the UC, and thus the index, fixed this. This way the index serves 2 purposes. No additional index on OrderId is needed.
I tried setting the field order. This works for setting the fields in the right order in PKs, but apparently it does not for UCs.
Like Walaa suggested I can of course change the generated script, but when some change in the table requires a drop and add of the UC, the fields are again in the wrong order and this can easily be missed.
It is not a very big problem. I was just wondering if I overlooked something in the designer.