Paged Dynamic Query, adding predicates after its creation

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Joined: 12-Jul-2019
# Posted on: 03-Oct-2019 11:19:31   


I'm feeling quite dumb, but i cant figure out how to add predicates to a dynamic query.

I have a dynamic query creation (i put a simplifyed query)

var q = qf.Create() .Select(() => new { id="a").ToValue<string>() }) .From(qf.tbl .Select("a"));

I then would like to 1) obtain the rowcount and then 2) add some Where and 3) page the result

i tried:

var count = adapter.FetchScalar<int>(qf.Create().Select(q.CountRow()));

and it seems to work

but then i dont understand how i can add the predicates i would like to do something like

var result1 = adapter.FetchQuery(qf.Create().Select(q.AndWhere(filter.PredicateExpression)));

In order to page this seems to work

var result2 = adapter.FetchQuery(qf.Create().SelectFrom(q).Page(10, 10));

Can you help in figuring it out? Thanks

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 03-Oct-2019 11:50:30   

The problem you're having is that the initial start query is a wrapping query around the actual query you want to augment.

Say I have your query in an example:

using(var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
    var qf = new QueryFactory();
    var q = qf.Create().Select(() => new {CustomerId = CustomerFields.CustomerId.Source("a").ToValue<string>()})
    var count = adapter.FetchScalar<int>(qf.Create().Select(q.CountRow()));
    Assert.AreEqual(91, count);
    q = q.Where(CustomerFields.Country.Source("a").Equal("USA"));
    var results = adapter.FetchQuery(q);
    Assert.AreEqual(13, results.Count);

At first glance this should work right? but if we look at the sql generated we see that this isn't going to work:

the count query:

                 FROM   (SELECT [LPA_a2].[CustomerId]
                         FROM   (SELECT [Northwind].[dbo].[Customers].[CustomerID] AS [CustomerId]
                                 FROM   [Northwind].[dbo].[Customers]) [LPA_a2]) [LPA_L1]) AS [LLBLV_1]
FROM   [Northwind].[dbo].[Customers]

this works, but the fetch with the where fails:

SELECT [LPA_a1].[CustomerId]
FROM   (SELECT [Northwind].[dbo].[Customers].[CustomerID] AS [CustomerId]
        FROM   [Northwind].[dbo].[Customers]) [LPA_a1]
WHERE  (([LPA_a1].[Country] = 'USA' /* @p1 */))

This is because the projection you formulated, the


part, only contains the 'id' part, and the predicate expression added to the query thus also can only work with that field. If I change it to also contain the field I need to filter on, it will work:

using(var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
    var qf = new QueryFactory();
    var q = qf.Create().Select(() => new {CustomerId = CustomerFields.CustomerId.Source("a").ToValue<string>()})
              .From(qf.Customer.Select(CustomerFields.CustomerId, CustomerFields.Country).As("a"));
    var count = adapter.FetchScalar<int>(qf.Create().Select(q.CountRow()));
    Assert.AreEqual(91, count);
    q = q.Where(CustomerFields.Country.Source("a").Equal("USA"));
    var results = adapter.FetchQuery(q);
    Assert.AreEqual(13, results.Count);

You also see I just append the where to the query, no need to wrap it again in a query with a select.

So in your case, all fields the predicateexpression works on has to be in the projection of the initial query's source, namely here: .Select("a")); and have to reference the fields by the alias 'a' as the derived table you're creating here is aliased as such.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 03-Oct-2019 15:58:12   

You are really quick wink thanks

I simplified the query too much ... infact i had all the fields i needed in the select but i didnt reported the ".Source("a").Equal("xxx"));" flushed disappointed

I take your code

using(var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter()) { q = q.Where(CustomerFields.Country.Source("a").Equal("USA")); var results = adapter.FetchQuery(q); }

What if i want to add additional where clauses?

If i add in sequence these predicates the rows returned are not what they should be

IRelationPredicateBucket filter = new RelationPredicateBucket(); filter.PredicateExpression.Add(TRTipiCandidatureFields.Natura.Source("a").Equal("Richiesta"));

List<int> list1 = new List<int>(); list1.Add(1); list1.Add(2);


q = q.Where(filter.PredicateExpression);

And .. how can i display the executed SQL? Thanks


I also tried this:

IPredicateExpression where = new PredicateExpression();

            var pred1 = TSCandidatureFields.Idstato.Source("a").In(lista);
            var pred2 = TRTipiCandidatureFields.Natura.Source("a").Equal("Richieste");


            q = q.Where(where);

this wont output nothing, like adding one predicate after another is not the right thing to do ...

But would like to be able to add then, something like:

if cond1 { add predicate } if cond2 { add another predicate }

thanks in advance

Walaa avatar
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# Posted on: 04-Oct-2019 01:51:13   

To add additional Where clauses, just expand on the example provided by Otis, as follows:

var qf = new QueryFactory();
var q = qf.Create().Select(() => new { CustomerId = CustomerFields.CustomerId.Source("a").ToValue<string>() })
         .From(qf.Customer.Select(CustomerFields.CustomerId, CustomerFields.Country, CustomerFields.City).As("a"));
var count = adapter.FetchScalar<int>(qf.Create().Select(q.CountRow()));

q = q.Where(CustomerFields.Country.Source("a").Equal("USA"));

// Add a conditional statements here if you want...
q = q.Where(CustomerFields.City.Source("a").Equal("Portland"));

var results = adapter.FetchQuery(q);

As he said, just make sure what you are filtering on, exists in the original select list.