Sire404 wrote:
Optimize the database, or if you're lazy change it to only search subjects. Better than not working at all.
It's just not that well written, the search uses a LIKE query at the moment to wade through 14,000 messages. A new search method is planned. (it uses a LIKE query because full text search wasn't supported on this server). The new method uses keyword lists.
BTW, I just bought LLBLGen today, it really kicks ass. I've worked with several other O/R mappers and it's really, really good. Except the name!
Thanks! . yeah the name is a bit odd it seems, though as the free LLBLGen code generator (which generates procs and classes and was released in 2002) was such a success, it was a name well known so it would be a marketing death sin to choose a different name