Yeah, our dutch is nice, isnt? ;D
Well for me it's not so difficult because I already have all entities with both singular and plural names in my metadata.
I can also read your source XML of metadata of the llblgen project.
If there would be a new property on a navigator (or rather on a relationship), like 'SingularName' (or so) that you would use to create a singular name in the Derived Model, then all I have to do is check the type of relationship 1-n, lookup the plural name in my metadata and set/replace the SingularName with the matching singular name from my metadata.
All that are not set, I can fix manually.
That's a one time thing. after that I can just create new relationships when needed.
I could even imagine you could create a big List of all Relationships with names, source entity names and a Singular name, where one could edit the latter. With DevExpress it's a breeze....
haha, leave it for now. I'll just have to focus