5.3 (5.3.1) RTM
5.4 (5.4.0) RTM
When I click the checkbox to select an element in the Derived Element Sub-Element Selection treelist then the node itself gets focussed, which is fine*. But when I click to deselect (uncheck) an element then the top first node gets focussed, this is not so nice when working several levels deep to keep switching back and forth the tree all the time. Sure, I can deselect by selecting multiple elements, but sometimes I have to select a child first and then deselect some elements, then it doesn't work this way.
- with more elements in the tree than can fit on the screen, which is most of the time, then when checking the element the node gets selected but visually becomes the top node in the tree. It would be nicer if it just gets selected, no other 'behaviour'.
When editing an element name in the Shape editor, this behaviour is also noticed.
It might be usefull to have an option in preferences that keeps current behaviour and one that doesn't (re)focus on (un)checking to keep current customers happy. (although I might think the current UX does not make any one happy, but that's my personal opinion)
I can understand unselecting on the left in the Selection tree deletes the element in the Shape Editor on the right. Then on the right you must have a new focussed element , this element then synchronizes back to the left. Well you might set the focussed element on the next of previous element, the parent or the root (as now). You might have these optional behaviours.
When we are with it, when selecting an 'Embedded element' or 'Field, set of elements' (both left or right) no refocussing happens, this might be expected/enabled?
kind regards