Using LLBLGen 5, self servicing, I have created a preset and lpt template with a binding to generate a partial class per entity. On code generation the files are created correctly, but what is the trick to have the code generation update the csproj file so that they are included? At present I go to VS, "Show all Files" and include them manually which doesn't seem right.
Preset is a copy of the standard with this at the end:
<taskPreset name="SD.Tasks.Base.ConsumeLptTemplate" displayName="JSON Ctor" >
<parameter name="destinationFolder" value="JsonCtors"/>
<parameter name="filenameFormat" value="[elementName].[extension]"/>
<parameter name="templateID" value="HSE_JSON"/>
<parameter name="emitType" value="allEntities"/>
<parameter name="failWhenExistent" value="false"/>
<parameter name="templateBindingDefinitionName" value=""/>
<parameter name="compileOnly" value="false"/>
<parameter name="debugBuild" value ="false"/>
<parameter name="templateIsOptional" value="false"/>
<parameter name="templateAssemblySourceFileFormat" value="templatesSource.[extension]" />
<parameter name="elementFilter" value=""/>
<parameter name="dependentUponFilenameFormat" value=""/>