Hello Everyone
The business domain I currently work in revolves around the concept of a Client. I am designing an application framework for our buisiness applications to leverage and starting to design the architecutre for our domain-specific component, which is responsible for managing a Client.
Ultimately, numerous applications throughout the enterprise will be using this component to manage a Client, however, one of the Clients is an import program. The import program is migrating data from an outside system, and there are a few concerns regarding data inconsistency. The Client component contains the business logic of what is required to create and edit a new Client. However, the import program does not always have all of this information (phone #'s, e-mail, etc.).
Thus, this signaled to me that I have found a potential hot spot in the component, which should allow client applications to plug-in custom business logic. My question is, do you feel this type of flexibility should be provided through the component or disallowed.
I'm torn between allowing the clients to configure such business rules or just not make it an option.
Any thoughts?
Thank You