We've been on LLBLGen 3.1 and need to move to a newer version, to support SQL Server 2014. We're attempting to go with 4.2, but we have the problem that this was set up so long ago, that no one in the company is really an LLBLGen expert. I'm trying to make this happen, but I'm probably missing something pretty basic.
I'm attempting to add 2 tables and a View, and there are updates to some stored procedures that were already in the model. We had been deploying the dacpac to a 2008 SQL server, but some modifications to stored procedures that have been made dictate that we can no longer do that. Our Production SQL servers are 2014. So, that's the impetus to use moving to LLBLGen 4.2.
The essential problem is that "out of the box" isn't working. The EntitySubClasses, TypedViewClasses, and ValidatorClasses folders aren't being created, so we're missing the classes under them. Previously, when we moved to 3.1, I think, we were missing the piece where we needed to use the Preset value "SD.Presets.Adapter.TwoClasses2010", and that caused a similar problem.
In 4.2, if I change the Template Group to "SelfServicing", that allows me to use the Selected Preset value "SD.Presets.SelfServicing.TwoClasses". But, that doesn't seem to be the same thing at all.
Using the "Adapter" Template Group, it seems very close to what we had before, but we don't have a "TwoClasses" Preset, and I'm unsure of what all would need to be changed to match that.
I am using .NET 4.5.1, and I basically just want to find the simplest path to doing the same thing we already have been, but compatible with a newer version SQL server. We have a lot of code dependent on LLBLGen, which would take unreasonable amounts of time to modify significantly.
I believe that I need a different template, which is why I'm posting here. If I'm misguided, please redirect me!
Using "Adapter" for the template, I generate the code, and then modify the "DALDBSpecific" and the "DAL" projects to have the newer LLBLGen DLLs. The DBSpecific project will then build. But, the DAL project doesn't. I get 2 build errors and 2 warnings.
Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'MyAccountEntity' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Steton.DataAccessLayer.Suite.DAL D:\Workspaces\42\Steton\Stable\Main\Src\Data Access Layer\Suite\DAL\PersistenceManagers\PersistenceManagers.cs 14
Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'MyCFItemValueEntity' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Steton.DataAccessLayer.Suite.DAL D:\Workspaces\42\Steton\Stable\Main\Src\Data Access Layer\Suite\DAL\DynamicObject\DynamicObjectManager.cs 635
Basically, the DynamicObjectManager isn't finding the My Entity class for the CFItem table, and PersistenceManagers isn't finding it for the Account table. Those were both in the EntitySubClasses folders before. I'm sure there are many other differences I'll need to track down, but this is where I am, for now.
I've only found guides for moving from 3.5 to 4.2 - is there one for what I'm trying to do?