I'm trying to run the ASP GUI as a quick way to enter data for development support, but I'm having a problem getting them going. I keep getting the following error when I try to generate the code. The error is happening at the Task: SD.Tasks.Adapter.WebDbEditor.AddNewAspx
I'm running it against the Northwind database on SQLExpress2014 and I'm only including the entities (no sp's, vw's etc). I'm trying the adapter templategroup against the LL runtime. Thanks for your help.
Exception message:
Exception type: GeneratorAbortException
Compilation of templates threw errors:
Error CS0117, at line: 1625, pos: 39: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'ProduceEditControlTagForField'
Error CS0117, at line: 1632, pos: 38: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'DetermineFieldLabelText'
Error CS0117, at line: 1634, pos: 53: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'FindRelation'
Error CS0117, at line: 1713, pos: 39: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'ProduceEditControlTagForField'
Error CS0117, at line: 1720, pos: 38: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'DetermineFieldLabelText'
Error CS0117, at line: 1766, pos: 54: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'FindRelation'
Error CS0117, at line: 1849, pos: 38: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'DetermineFieldLabelText'
Error CS0117, at line: 1852, pos: 53: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'FindRelation'
Error CS0117, at line: 2019, pos: 52: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'FindRelation'
Error CS0117, at line: 2256, pos: 39: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'ProduceEditControlTagForField'
Error CS0117, at line: 2263, pos: 38: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'DetermineFieldLabelText'
Error CS0117, at line: 2290, pos: 40: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'ProduceEditControlTagForField'
Error CS0117, at line: 2297, pos: 38: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'DetermineFieldLabelText'
Error CS0117, at line: 2363, pos: 43: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'ProduceEditControlTagForField'
Error CS0117, at line: 2371, pos: 42: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'ProduceEditControlTagForField'
Error CS0117, at line: 2696, pos: 44: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'GetForfsToProcess'
Error CS0117, at line: 2788, pos: 38: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'DetermineFieldLabelText'
Error CS0117, at line: 2793, pos: 53: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'FindRelation'
Error CS0117, at line: 2926, pos: 44: 'SD_GeneralUtils' does not contain a definition for 'GetForfsToProcess'
LLBLGen Pro version 4.2. Build February 16th, 2015
-----[Core exception]--------------------
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.LptParser.DotNetTemplateEngine.Perform(IGenerator executingGenerator, ITask taskDefinition, Dictionary2 parameters)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.CodeGenerationMetaData.Tasks.Task.PerformElement(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.CodeGenerationMetaData.Tasks.TaskGroupElement.Perform(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.CodeGenerationMetaData.Tasks.TaskGroup.PerformElement(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.CodeGenerationMetaData.Tasks.TaskGroupElement.Perform(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.CodeGenerationMetaData.Tasks.TaskGroup.PerformElement(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.CodeGenerationMetaData.Tasks.TaskGroupElement.Perform(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.CodeGenerationMetaData.Tasks.TaskGroup.PerformElement(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ApplicationCore.CodeGenerationMetaData.Tasks.TaskGroupElement.Perform(IGenerator executingGenerator, LogNode parentNode)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.GeneratorCore.Generator.RunTasks(String rootNameSpaceToUse, String destinationRootFolder, String groupName)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.GeneratorCore.Generator.Start(ITaskGroup tasksToExecute, ApplicationConfiguration configurationSettings, Language languageToUse, Platform platformToUse, List
1 templateBindingsToUse, String templateGroupToUse, String rootNameSpaceToUse, String destinationRootFolder, Project projectDefinition, CodeGenerationCycleOutputType outputType)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.GeneratorCore.Generator.Start(ITaskGroup tasksToExecute, CodeGenerationCyclePreferences preferences, ApplicationConfiguration configurationSettings, Project projectDefinition)
at SD.LLBLGen.Pro.Gui.Classes.GuiController.PerformRunCodeGenerationCycleAction(ITaskGroup toExecute, CodeGenerationCyclePreferences codeGenerationCyclePreferences, HashSet1 entitiesToUse, HashSet
1 spCallsToUse, HashSet1 typedViewsToUse, HashSet
1 typedListsToUse, HashSet1 valueTypesToUse, HashSet
1 tvfCallsTouse, List`1 vsNetProjectsCreated, LogNode& tasksResultLog)