Hi guys,
I have multiple db schema/databases (catalogs), both added to LLBL project, Sql Server
(1) first one is main database and has no group name defined
(2) second one db schema is history database, with defined "HistoryDB"
Property for grouping is set to "AsSeparateProjects" (mainly because of different connection strings).
I'm also using adapter mode and templates defined currently were working fine (I recently added this 2nd schema/group).
Link to screenshots:
LLBL project explorer: http://screencast.com/t/eNF8ULwhrcf
VS project structure: http://screencast.com/t/fhhqzsLeDr
Problems and questions:
1) generation of entities (and the stuff) seems to work fine and files are generated as expected, except DAL layer, SP calls generation code that creates SP calls in the second group although it does not have defined any (might be that templates changed to version 4.0, as they were transfered because of minor changes from previous I think version 2.6)
2) how can I use "group name" in connection string generation
public static string ConnectionStringKeyName="<[ConnectionStringKeyName]>";
gives me in DataAccessAdapter.cs ( I have 2 as expected in different namespaces) files but both pointing to the same connection key.
public static string ConnectionStringKeyName="Main.ConnectionString";
I would like to be able to specify "Main.ConnectionString.GroupName" key name if defined group name is different then empty string. As rend result would have 2 connection string keys, each for one group/db/catalog. Am I able to do that somehow?
<[RootNamespace]> property seems to have correct info in (2)
I searched SDK documentation, but didn't found this type of info, also tried with threads of similar content but aslo didn't found useful info.
P.S. pardon me for my ignorance if I didn't found existing thread with the same problem