Which framework should I use

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Joined: 28-Dec-2006
# Posted on: 08-Aug-2014 21:22:55   

I'm in doubt about which framework I should use now that LLBLGen is also supporting nHibernate and EF. Up till now I have been using the LLBLGEN framework in Self Servicing mode. Isn't this going to be a niche?

I used to program in VisualWorks Smalltalk. Then one of my customers needed a new application. He wanted the backbone to be more mainstream (i.e. not in smalltalk, for business continuity). App 10 years ago I decided to switch to dotnet.

Is the LLBLGen framework becoming a niche? Should I switch to EF? I realy like like the LLBLGen framework.

daelmo avatar
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# Posted on: 09-Aug-2014 09:32:05   

Hi JayBee,

IMHO, it's totally up to you, whatever fits better in your architecture. If you really like LLBLGen Framework I don't why don't use it. See this related thread: http://www.llblgen.com/TinyForum/Messages.aspx?ThreadID=17951

David Elizondo | LLBLGen Support Team
Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 09-Aug-2014 11:11:58   

Indeed, use what you know and like. EF as it is now is going away, it's been rewritten and will take another year to completion (EF7) and will be released with way less features than EF6 and an API which will be different from the current one (Code first only). NHibernate development is slowing down too, some people took over but haven't made a lot of solid releases since while they have a tremendous backlog of pull requests they refuse to merge (which do fix issues).

Our framework won't go away, that's for sure simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro