Joint CSLA.NET & LLBLGen Pro framework posted

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Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 01-Feb-2005 11:43:07   

In the 3rd party section, the Joint CSLA.NET & LLBLGen Pro framework (JCL) has been posted. This framework is written by Omar Shraim and Bashar Lulu and contains all the elements you need to set up a CSLA.NET based framework using LLBLGen Pro generated code. The package comes with extensive documentation to help you started.

Thanks for contributing this to the community, Omar and Bashar! simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 05-Feb-2005 11:18:07   


Do you know if there are polans for supporting C#?



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# Posted on: 06-Feb-2005 00:49:52   

Rainbow wrote:


Do you know if there are polans for supporting C#?



Cool! If it doesn't support c#, you just saved me the time of investigating CSLA any further! simple_smile I was impressed with what little bit I read about.

omar avatar
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# Posted on: 06-Feb-2005 05:37:06   

CSLA does have a C# version of both the framework and the book. The JCL framework (LLBL implementation of CSLA) happens to be in VB.NET because thats our language of choice. I don't think itl will take that much effort to re-write JCL or JCL's LLBL templates in C#.


Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 06-Feb-2005 10:02:40   

I also don't see why everything should be in C# if you use C#, as you can just use the compiled version as a referenced library in your C# project simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 08-Feb-2005 16:22:24   

You can use the library, sure, but I can think of a few reasons why to use C#, main one being in about 10 more years no one is going to be writing in VB anymore.

I remember sitting across from a person in 1994, this person's husband was a senior employee at MCS and she herself was about to be hired by MS. I told her that NT was going to kill Netware, a statement that I had made to several people already. Her reaction was the same as everyone else, some disbelief that I would make such a bold statement. But already at the point the writing was on the wall. Well, I guess Netware is still around, but NT did pretty much kill it.

I have had numerous anecdotal experiences with VB programmers that lead me to believe that one by one they will "jump ship" and leave their colleagues behind, when they realize they can make the transition to "real programmer" (which they couldn't do with C++, for various reasons) until it reaches a point where suddenly everyone who is left will jump off at once.

Well, that should stir up a few folks. sunglasses

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 08-Feb-2005 16:35:05   

While my personal preference is C#, I really think VB.NET will not go away, for the sole reason there are more vb programmers than C# programmers. Microsoft will have a hard time making VB.NET and C# different products though. As soon as they make the mistake by making VB.NET 'raddish' and 'C# for the power programmer', VB.NET is doomed.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 09-Feb-2005 09:20:12   

I don't think VB will ever go away. Microsoft started Basic and i think there will always be a version of it floating around.

2 years ago i moved from Delphi to .Net and i had to pick a language. The choice was simple for me readability over writeability and C# reminded me to much of Java. So i choose VB.Net - but now i am working in C# and i still hate the stupid brackets {} - My personal prefrence still remains VB.Net.

But i have to say that i will not - not use a program or source code just because it is written in another .Net language - that will be stupid because language of choice does not matter any more in .Net. All .Net languages have the same capabilities.

If you dont like the fact that something is written in C# or VB.Net well then use Lutz's decompiler tool and bang the source out to the language of your choice. wink

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# Posted on: 24-Jun-2005 01:27:20   

Hello Omar and Franz....

I've been triying to use the JCL, which I think is a great tool but, eventhough I followed Omar's instructions there seems to be something wrong. The files generated for the JCL are empty. I got a bunch of 3 bytes xxxxxxx.vb files with nothing inside. I'm using LLBLGen Pro 1.0.2004.2 Final released on april 27th, 2005 wich, of course, was not released when the JCL was released.. Do you think this has something to do with this odd behaviour or could it ber something else???

Thanks in advance... Your help is greatly appreciated.

omar avatar
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# Posted on: 24-Jun-2005 09:17:01   

Hallo juliom,

I will posting a new update for JCL and its LLBL templates in a week time (right now I am in France attending a Ms-TTT training for SQL2005 and .NET2.0).

JCL has evolved with LLBL and with several live projects implementing it.

Hope to get the update soon

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# Posted on: 24-Jun-2005 09:47:03   

juliom wrote:

I've been triying to use the JCL, which I think is a great tool

smile The thought that there are people out there that are using a framework I (although Omar did all the heavy work) helped create sends shivers down my spine. This is especially so given all the fun we had doing the work!!

Keep those feedbacks comin' in. We need all the help we can get to make this an even better solution!! wink

Thanks people!!!

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 24-Jun-2005 09:57:19   


Don't forget we have a contest going on for templates simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
omar avatar
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# Posted on: 24-Jun-2005 12:04:41   


This meens I am working this weekend.. cry

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# Posted on: 24-Jun-2005 18:36:18   

Omar/Bashar & Franz: Thanks a billion for your responses. I do think that JCL do offers great posibilities. LLBLGen Pro is definitely a great tool although it took me about a year (believe it or not) to convince the team to try it and then buy it. Obviously this was not a price issue.. it was some of the guys were just too skeptical about what you really can do with it... Now they all love it...

My current endeavour is to push for the use of CSLA or CSLA alike and JCL just came into the picture like a ring to my finger....

I really look forward to this new release you mentioned I think this can really speed up the development offering a very robust architectural design...

About Bashar's shivers... I bet Omar and Franz also get them... well guys you have created IMHO great tools...

Thank you all guys...


Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 25-Jun-2005 11:42:12   

juliom wrote:

Omar/Bashar & Franz: Thanks a billion for your responses. I do think that JCL do offers great posibilities. LLBLGen Pro is definitely a great tool although it took me about a year (believe it or not) to convince the team to try it and then buy it. Obviously this was not a price issue.. it was some of the guys were just too skeptical about what you really can do with it... Now they all love it...

smile simple_smile

About Bashar's shivers... I bet Omar and Franz also get them... well guys you have created IMHO great tools... Thank you all guys...

Yes, I can assure you, that knowing that there are people out there using your code and love it is a very big motivator simple_smile . Thanks for your compliments! simple_smile .

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
omar avatar
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# Posted on: 29-Jun-2005 08:54:23   


I have prepared the latest build of JCL and rewrote the documentation to include a complete wlakthrough for building a JCL application against the Northwind SQL-database.

The zip file is 2MB and I wanted to check with you first if I can email the file or I should break it up...

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 29-Jun-2005 11:00:22   

Sounds awesome!

Just send it over simple_smile , should be ok.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 29-Jun-2005 12:23:19   

Received it!

I'll review it today and if everything is ok, upload it later today! simple_smile great work, guys! simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 29-Jun-2005 15:12:15   

So I guess I need to buy the book first to better understand how to use the framework?

omar avatar
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# Posted on: 29-Jun-2005 17:21:42   

If you are talking about the CSLA.NET book then I will tell you that it will always be a good idea for at least one reason. CSLA is a great learning tool to learn proper n-tier architecture programming using .NET technologies like remoting, webservices and business objects.

But if you want the short version, then the following articles would really put you on the right track: 1- Rocky’s article about implementing a business rules manager. The same methodology is used in both CSLA.NET and JCL to implement a rules manager.

2- Roky’s famous Data-Portal article on MSDN. I think this should be perquisite reading for anybody attempting to understand and use CSLA.

3-LLBLGenPro help documentation it is strongly recommended to go over LLBL’s documentation for better understanding and utilizing LLBL’s data access code and base classes.

I feel that with these resources and the JCL documentation you should be well prepared.

And one last advice I will give you that I found to save me alot of time and effort; whenever you face a problem or an architectural question then come to a place like this forum and post your question. Beleive me, thats much better than being stuborned in solving the problem by your self.

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# Posted on: 29-Jun-2005 17:30:48   

Links for #1 and #2 are the same wink

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 29-Jun-2005 19:13:30   

I've uploaded the new version to the third party section:

Exceptional work, I must say! smile . Excellent job, guys!

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 29-Jun-2005 20:24:43   

omar wrote:

If you are talking about the CSLA.NET book then I will tell you that it will always be a good idea for at least one reason. CSLA is a great learning tool to learn proper n-tier architecture programming using .NET technologies like remoting, webservices and business objects.

But if you want the short version, then the following articles would really put you on the right track: 1- Rocky’s article about implementing a business rules manager. The same methodology is used in both CSLA.NET and JCL to implement a rules manager.

2- Roky’s famous Data-Portal article on MSDN. I think this should be perquisite reading for anybody attempting to understand and use CSLA.

3-LLBLGenPro help documentation it is strongly recommended to go over LLBL’s documentation for better understanding and utilizing LLBL’s data access code and base classes.

I feel that with these resources and the JCL documentation you should be well prepared.

And one last advice I will give you that I found to save me alot of time and effort; whenever you face a problem or an architectural question then come to a place like this forum and post your question. Beleive me, thats much better than being stuborned in solving the problem by your self.

Is that first link right, Omar?


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# Posted on: 29-Jun-2005 23:31:43   

Thank you guys.... I'm downloading the files as I write this message....

About the links Omar referenced... yes they point to the same article.. but you can find the article refering to Business Rules manager in the same column... Actually I recomend all the articles in that column...

Tanks again Omar, Bashar and Franz....

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# Posted on: 30-Jun-2005 04:33:30   
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