LLBLGen Pro v4.0 Async API beta released!

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
Posts: 39826
Joined: 17-Aug-2003
# Posted on: 02-Jul-2013 12:00:15   

We've released the first beta of the new Async API for the LLBLGen Pro v4.0 runtime framework! It's available to all v4.0 customers and you can download it in the customer area -> downloads menu -> v4.0 -> betas section. There are two parts: the zip file with the dll and the docs and a reference manual (chm file) which is a separate download as it's 16MB and it's likely not going to change before RTM.

The async API is for using the LLBLGen Pro v4.0 runtime framework in an asynchronous way using the new .NET 4.5 async/await keywords.

We implemented the new async API in a full ORMSupportClasses dll build so you can simply reference the new dll and you're set. Please see the enclosed docx readme file for details on how to use the new async API. The Async API is available for all supported databases, though to benefit from it, it's required that the used ADO.NET provider supports the .NET 4.5 async additions to ADO.NET.

Of course this API will be free for v4.x licensees. If everything goes as planned, we'll merge the code into the current v4.0 runtime. Although we refactored a lot of code, we don't expect any breaking changes in the normal API/code.

For feedback, please use: http://www.llblgen.com/tinyforum/Threads.aspx?ForumID=53

Happy awaiting! wink

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro