I wanted to run a set of tasks that end by producing DTO's in addition to the usual entities.
For that purpose I saved the existing Adapter preset under a different name, and then added The DTO Template Tasks in the "Task Queue To Execute" window.
I am under the impression that there are built in templates available that will produce a DTO in this manner. When I execute the codegen I get errors on the DTOClassCreator and DTOClassCreator2 as well as the Project Creator. Here is the message it shows.
Is there a set of instruction steps available that lists how to get the DTO template to work and what I need to do with this err? I am guessing I missed a step along the way.
Task group: Create DTO Classes. For database: SQL Server (SqlClient) (2D18D138-1DD2-467E-86CC-4838250611AE).
Task: DTOClassCreator
• Could not find template 'SD_DTOTemplate'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE)
Task: DTOClassCreator2
• Could not find template 'SD_DTOTemplateType'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE)
Task: DTOProjectFileCreator
• Could not find template 'SD_VsNet2010Template'. It is not defined in the used templatebindings or is empty. It can be it's not defined for the current database (e.g. stored procedure templates for SqlServer CE)