This is more of a QA forum, so people come here to have a question answered, get their answer and then move on, i.e. don't really hang around in General Chat to answer all kinds of questions.
In v3 we added model first and a further disconnect between the entity model and the database model. If you strictly work database first, refresh, generate code, things got easier but there wasn't really much to improve, as things already were pretty easy. However, when you want to modify your database based on your model (which is the right way to do it), things become way easier in v3. With quickmodel for example, modeling the entity model directly during the interviews with a domain expert makes it very easy to go from initial research to model to generated code + database schema.
Of course other features in v3 like element search, attributes, configurable settings, integrated template editor etc. make things easier than in v2. Why don't you try it for yourself and see whether the new features (the designer was re-written from the ground up) fit what you're looking for.