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# Posted on: 07-Jan-2005 22:13:52   

Waaaaaayyyy off topic, but...have any of you gamers tried out World of Warcraft yet? All I can say is, WoW smile . No kidding, this has got to be the best example of art in video games I have ever seen. Not only the visual art (which is incredible), but the music (is incredible), the gameplay, the obvious thought put into the tactical and strategic decisions in the game. It's art; it's freakin' one, big, beautiful masterpiece.

Not to mention the sheer amount of content in the game. I've played 4 other MMORPGs (Asheron's Call, AC2, Dark Age of Camelot, Star Wars Galaxies) and nothing - nothing - compares with just how much freakin' stuff there is to do in this game! Each of the subsystems in the game feel like their own game. I've been playing since open beta, about 1.5 months now and there just isn't enough time to do or play all of the things available to you...usually at this point, I'm bored or have figured everything out...I don't see that happening for a looong time to come.

If any of you are interested in playing a persistent-universe game, this is the one to check out. For those of you with kids old enough, it'll be a great way to spend time together and to have a "thing" you do with each other. For those of you who are lonely and without friends simple_smile here's a new way to spend your evenings....highly recommended...


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# Posted on: 07-Jan-2005 23:37:22   

Sounds way too addictive wink

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# Posted on: 07-Jan-2005 23:49:14   

MattWoberts wrote:

Sounds way too addictive wink

That is the problem, of course. Great way to unwind and relax, but way to easy to abuse and neglect your responsibilities, like, umm, your wife and kid. simple_smile


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# Posted on: 08-Jan-2005 00:13:38   

Hmmm, i can see that going down well... a day in the office in front of a computer followed by an evening in front of the computer !! frowning

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# Posted on: 08-Jan-2005 06:51:41   

Aww man, why did you have to bring that up. Now I have to go buy it. I had been tracking the status since pre beta and forgot all about it. I have a har enough time working up my jedi in Star Wars Galaxies. disappointed

Thanks for the info tho, I am going to have to check it out. Is it buggy and laggy at all or is it true to blizzard form? i.e. a good release out of the box?

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# Posted on: 08-Jan-2005 09:18:07   

Devildog74 wrote:

Aww man, why did you have to bring that up. Now I have to go buy it. I had been tracking the status since pre beta and forgot all about it. I have a har enough time working up my jedi in Star Wars Galaxies. disappointed

Heh, ooops, sorry 'bout that smile So, you found the "path" huh? I heard they made it easier to get a force-sensitive slot. Is that true?

Thanks for the info tho, I am going to have to check it out. Is it buggy and laggy at all or is it true to blizzard form? i.e. a good release out of the box?

I'm not kidding; it's near flawless. I've rarely, if ever felt lag (I'm on a "medium population" world right now), and besides there are tons of servers to pick from. I personally haven't seen a single major bug...sure there's the occasional minor problem...perma-loot problems come to mind, as well as some bugged quests, but really nothing outstanding.

Send me an e-mail when you get it if you have questions choosing a class or anything else. simple_smile


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# Posted on: 08-Jan-2005 12:01:38   

MattWoberts wrote:

Hmmm, i can see that going down well... a day in the office in front of a computer followed by an evening in front of the computer !! frowning

What's wrong with that? wink

WoW, isn't that a MMORPG ? I saw some footage in a program on TV about computer games. Looked impressive, but indeed very addictive I think. I'm not into RPG's myself so I'll never buy it but I can imagine what it would do to erm... family life! wink (My wife plays Sims 2 a lot, I can relate wink )

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 10-Jan-2005 00:57:22   

jeffreygg wrote:

Heh, ooops, sorry 'bout that smile So, you found the "path" huh? I heard they made it easier to get a force-sensitive slot. Is that true?

They basically made it easy to get force sensitive, but actually working through the ranks to becomming master jedi will probably take me a year. For example, it takes 12 weeks to go from force sensitive to becomming a jedi initiate. Once your initiate, there are a bunch of quests you do just to get to padawan, etc.

But I bought WoWc today so I am about to check it out. It looks friggin cool.

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# Posted on: 10-Jan-2005 04:03:25   

Otis wrote:

I'm not into RPG's myself so I'll never buy it

Funnily enough, I've never been into RPGs myself either. In fact, I've never played a traditional RPG (either pen/paper or stand-alone electronic). But there's something about the depth, complexity, and social aspects of the MMO varieties that draws me in. Shoot 'em ups get boring after 15 years of gaming... simple_smile

Devildog74 wrote:

But I bought WoWc today so I am about to check it out. It looks friggin cool.

Let me know how you like it...just FYI, I'm a Night Elf Hunter on Cenarion Circle. Depending on your preferred style of play (solo or group) Hunters are a blast to play since you get to train a pet who basically tanks while you attack at range...all sorts of choices though, of course.


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# Posted on: 10-Jan-2005 09:17:32   

jeffreygg wrote:

Otis wrote:

I'm not into RPG's myself so I'll never buy it

Funnily enough, I've never been into RPGs myself either. In fact, I've never played a traditional RPG (either pen/paper or stand-alone electronic). But there's something about the depth, complexity, and social aspects of the MMO varieties that draws me in. Shoot 'em ups get boring after 15 years of gaming... simple_smile

heh yeah after a while First Person Shooters get 'boring'. I quit DOOM3 halfway through it, because it was so boring. HL2 was good though and I still play counterstrike now and then simple_smile But I don't know what it is with RPG's... the stories sound very interesting and all but I'm afraid I'll never play it more than once.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 10-Jan-2005 14:39:40   

jeffreygg wrote:

I'm a Night Elf Hunter on Cenarion Circle.

Thats too funny. Thats what I set up on Malygos.

I want to make a gnome priest as well so I might check out your server.

In regards to the game iteself, I think its true to blizzard form and was worth the wait. Very rich content, and very very pretty.

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# Posted on: 10-Jan-2005 14:52:34   

I stopped playing games years ago after I lost a few days playing Duke Nuke 'Em and realized my business would be destroyed if I continued.

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# Posted on: 10-Jan-2005 15:53:13   

JimFoye wrote:

I stopped playing games years ago after I lost a few days playing Duke Nuke 'Em and realized my business would be destroyed if I continued.

Heh simple_smile Well, you could play games just on set hours, so you know when to stop. But indeed, a true addictive game can eat away a lot of time...

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 12-Jan-2005 18:16:38   

Put me into the semi-addicted to WoW slot.

Very cool game.

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# Posted on: 12-Jan-2005 20:01:28   

leoduran wrote:

Put me into the semi-addicted to WoW slot.

Very cool game.

Heh....Eeeexcellent. smile What class/race do you play?


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# Posted on: 13-Jan-2005 09:11:05   

indeed simple_smile

but Otis, as i can see it, u have to try it simple_smile

u can play it like counterstrike if u want. they even got guns wink

currently i'm a NE-druid on EU-beta 4

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# Posted on: 13-Jan-2005 09:21:41   

Cool! simple_smile

The thing is, I first have to finish PrinceOfPersia WW... and Feb 25th, Gran Turismo 4 arrives... no time! frowning

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 14-Jan-2005 21:24:11   

jeffreygg wrote:

Heh....Eeeexcellent. smile What class/race do you play?


I play a human paladin on Dalaran. Got him up to level 30 the other night. Can't wait until 40 when I can summon a horse. I get tired of running around.

They managed to take all the tedium out of this type of game. I love it.

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# Posted on: 14-Jan-2005 23:24:57   

leoduran wrote:

They managed to take all the tedium out of this type of game. I love it.

Yes indeed, thats one of the really cool things about this MMORPG, it doesnt feel like a 2nd job.

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# Posted on: 15-Jan-2005 00:02:23   

Devildog74 wrote:

leoduran wrote:

They managed to take all the tedium out of this type of game. I love it.

Yes indeed, thats one of the really cool things about this MMORPG, it doesnt feel like a 2nd job.

So, how you liking it so far? You know it's the first one I've played that actually has real alternatives in gameplay. If you don't want to grind all day, it's actually fun just to explore (the game is just beautiful, and there is real diversity in the zones, just compare the landscape in the Barrens versus Auberdine), crafting is both challenging AND rewarding (I hated DAoC's crafting: "please make 300 rag dolls before you can make your first pair of gloves), resource gathering is a reasonable way to spend your time, or, if you're really really bored, you can always go pick a fight with the Horde, which is always fun. The new Battlegrounds patch should prove to be an awesome timesink as well...


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# Posted on: 15-Jan-2005 06:32:25   

I am getting along good. My hunter is lvl 12 after about 13 or so hours. Not too bad I suppose. I havent left the starting worlds yet, I am still trying to figure stuff out. But so far, its cool.

Ive been kind of buys lately and havent had much time. My clients are driving me crazy with all the "do you think we can add this....", "what if we did this...", etc. You know the drill.

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# Posted on: 15-Jan-2005 09:08:20   

I would love to try and play the game, but Brilliant has decided not to allow anybody in Africa access to the game (you need a european or US address), guess not enough money on this side of the world or maybe because or Internet Access is so limited.

You can't even go into a shop an buy the game...but you can order it online. I am a major Warcraft Fan (I, II & III) - but it seems like i am going to miss out on this one. cry

Where can i see a screenshot of the game?

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# Posted on: 15-Jan-2005 16:00:45   
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# Posted on: 17-Jan-2005 02:21:09   

I got WOW for christmas, but i have been busy moving so i havent been able to play it, now i gotta build a new pc which delays my playing till feb rage

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# Posted on: 20-Jan-2005 10:27:56   
Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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