LLBLGen Pro and Custom IssueTracker layer

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Joined: 06-Jan-2005
# Posted on: 06-Jan-2005 17:16:40   

Hello All:

I started coding an ASP .net application using ISSUETracker style data access layer before my fingers threatened to fall off if I typed more. For all that, most of the work was done by CodeSmith templates. So we bought LLBLGen Pro.

I am like half way through and of course, the database is changing. Tables are added to track the history of a 'PaperApplication For Something'. What do you think I should do ?

Generate LLBLGen code or code the IssueTracker way like I was doing before. I cannot go back and change the ITracker looking code in the GUI layer.

Any thoughts on this will be appreciated.

I am leaning towards using LLBLGen generated code, even though I am not sure how I will keep track of what code I use for a particular function. My code or llbl.



Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 06-Jan-2005 18:40:52   

If the db changes, you can refresh the catalog and incorporate the changes into your code by re-generating the code after the refresh. (eventually add new entities found). THis should at least give you the data-access layer you'll need to access the changed database. The code you wrote utilizing this layer perhaps has to change here and there because of new fields/removed fields, but that's IMHO not that much in most cases.

Are there other problems I missed?

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 06-Jan-2005 20:57:15   

Hello Otis:

Thanks for the reply. I was not clear about the question. My question is :

'Should I use LLBLGen at this point or should use my CodeSmith template to keep building my own DAL and BL classes. (I am half way thro' the project).'

I know, it depends. But what should I consider.

Thanks again....


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 06-Jan-2005 21:40:43   

bswami1 wrote:

Hello Otis:

Thanks for the reply. I was not clear about the question. My question is :

'Should I use LLBLGen at this point or should use my CodeSmith template to keep building my own DAL and BL classes. (I am half way thro' the project).'

I know, it depends. But what should I consider.

Either way you choose results in throwing away half the project? (either the cs half or the llblgen pro half) Hmm. the llblgen pro code will give you more functionality, so if it takes you about the same time converting the old code to cs as it does to llblgen pro code I'd go for the llblgen pro code

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 06-Jan-2005 22:25:42   

Otis wrote:

llblgen pro code I'd go for the llblgen pro code

Just so its not a one sided opinion, I agree with Frans.

Posts: 16
Joined: 06-Jan-2005
# Posted on: 06-Jan-2005 22:34:46   

I will go with LLBL Gen Pro code from now on.

Thanks for the reply.