I'm currently making some changes to the TaskPerformers, in line with the recommendations in thread 19979 for example to be able to work with custom placeholders, i.e. through adding my own version of the ProjectFileCreator / CodeEmitter task and override the HandleDestinationFolder method.
I'm working in the September 2014 sources of the Task Performers, and using (copy-pasting) the [documented] changes that I did some time ago in LLBLGenPro 3.1 Final February 7th, 2011 sources (which worked fine).
When I start adding an override for HandleDestinationFolder in exactly the same manner as it worked with version 3.1 sources and try to compile/rebuild, Visual Studio complains about:
'COWI.TaskPerformers.CodeEmitter.HandleDestinationFolder(string)': cannot override inherited member 'SD.LLBLGen.Pro.GeneratorCore.TaskPerformerBase.HandleDestinationFolder(string)' because it is not marked virtual, abstract, or override
Below the code of the override in my custom version of the taskperformer, any ideas on what I need to do ?
protected override string HandleDestinationFolder(string folderFormat)
string baseDestinationFolder = base.HandleDestinationFolder(folderFormat);
string newDestinationFolder = baseDestinationFolder;
Helper helper = new Helper();
newDestinationFolder = helper.HandleDestinationFolder(this.ExecutingGenerator, newDestinationFolder);
return newDestinationFolder;