jovball wrote:
I am working on an LPT template to generate a partial class for RetrievalProcedures and ActionProcedures.
Here is my progress so far.
Project currentProject = _executingGenerator.ProjectDefinition;
SPCallDefinitionList dbProcedures = currentProject.SPCalls;
// alternative for specific procedure types
// var retrievalProcs = _executingGenerator.RetrievalProcedures;
//walk the procedures
foreach(SPCallDefinition spCall in dbProcedures)
// get the procedure parameters
IEnumerable<SPCallParameterDefinition> parameters = GeneratorUtils.GetStoredProcedureParametersToWalk(false, false, spCall, _executingGenerator);
//do stuff here with the procedure and the parameters
I am looking to get several properties that seem to me like they should be in SPCallDefinition. They are:
Where can I get those values?
NumberOfResultsets isn't part of the spcalldefinition, as the SPCallDefinition is just that, a call definition. Which proc is called and thus which resultsets are returned are stored in the target of the SPCallDefinition in its mapping.
So you have to obtain the mapping for the SPCallDefinition. This is easy:
SPCallMapping mapping = currentProject.GetGroupableModelElementMapping(spCall, _executingGenerator.DriverID) as SPCallMapping;
var targetProc = mapping.MappedTarget as DBStoredProcedure;
var numberOfResultsets = targetProc.NumberOfResultsets;
The db name is also obtainable from this, as targetProc holds a reference to the DBSchema it is in which holds a reference to the DBCatalog the schema is in.
Please see the Linq to Sql context template and the EF context include template for more examples, as we generate code for stored procs there using .lpt templates.