CA ERwin Data Modeler

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Joined: 04-Feb-2004
# Posted on: 03-Dec-2004 06:45:51   

Well, I have been evaluating ERWin 4.1 data modeler. So far I think it is a must have tool, but I am having a real hard time dropping 3k on a modeling tool.

Has or does anyone use it ? If so, do you feel its really worth 3k? Does anyone have any other suggestions (.... please dont say visio).

The features that are most impressive to me are reverse and forward engineering, comparing models and schemas, easy organization of models into useable / meaningful models (instead of mammoth models), and their DDL generator rocks, plus their wide array of supported RDBMS platforms.

Thanks in advance.

wayne avatar
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# Posted on: 03-Dec-2004 08:56:21   

Hi DevilDog

Look Erwin is propably the top of the line Case Tool available - so if you want it - you gonna pay stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye . I have used Erwin in the past and it has pretty amaizing features and DB support.

I assume you are using SQL Server or Oracle and not Firebird and you propably need cross database support. Otherwise i would have suggested IB Admin. Try having a look at Enterprise Architect aswell - I have heard that it is pretty good and supports DB Reverse engineering and all of the stuff.

(.... please dont say visio).

I agree! It is a piece of #@$%. They can really make this tool better.

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 03-Dec-2004 09:45:21   

I was planning to suggest visio in ent. architect with its ORM (NIAM) modelling and E/R modelling, but perhaps you've already tried it. stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye

There is a freebee (!) from MS which does pure ORM modelling btw: long url

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 03-Dec-2004 13:06:45   

I have used the Enterprise Architect version of Visio. It really crashes way too much and the models corrupt alot. The funny thing is that Microsoft doesnt even use visio, they use ERWin.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

One other really killer feature of ERWin is the volumetrics. e.g. estimating database table size for capacity planning, etc.