Posts: 497
Joined: 08-Apr-2004
# Posted on: 02-Nov-2004 20:31:00   


I've been missing these forums recently - too much non .NET work to do - makes me think I'm forgetting .NET all over again rage

Anyway, heres my question:

I'm about to start training towards the MCAD qualification. I was wondering what people here think about the qualification, and what resources are recommended? I'm not a big fan of week-long courses for extortionate prices, so I will probably self-learn with books. Has anyone here done the same? How was it?

Thats all from me wink

Posts: 719
Joined: 04-Feb-2004
# Posted on: 02-Nov-2004 22:25:16   

I have taken the MCSD.NET courses and 1 of the 5 exams. I took the SQL Exam. I will be taking the Desiging Solutions Exam Next.

I think the classes are good if you want the cert. Knowing everything that MS thinks you should know for the exam is hard, and the MOC kits you get will outline what MS wants, plus you get good coursework and material.

Is the certification worth it? To me it is. To some employers it is as well. Microsoft obviously puts value in it.

Does having the cert mean that you know what you need to know to be a good programmer? No. That comes down to experience and actually being in the trenches and learning from your mistakes, nighmares, grey hairs, and sleepless nights. It will make you familar with all major topics related to .NET, so you can be informed, and this is good.

The MCSD / MCAD prep kit is a good kit to get, its by MSPRess. Good luck

Posts: 497
Joined: 08-Apr-2004
# Posted on: 30-Nov-2004 17:51:09   


Any opinions on boot camps? I've heard mixed things about them, I wonder if they're worth the price.....