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# Posted on: 18-Nov-2004 17:35:43   

Otis wrote:

Anyway, any thoughts about making normal entities also bindable ? Or is this something impossibles in .net 1.1 ?

You mean, dragging an entity onto a form? As they're not lists, there is little you can do with them as it seems, do you have an example in mind?

Hmm, nvm, in the end it would just look like 1-size collections... I thougth about being able to drop a simple entitie, and bind the textboxes and such -- results in a collection with 1 item, and all the record switching disabled simple_smile

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LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 18-Nov-2004 22:25:20   

I wanted that too at first, but apparently a single component can't be used in design time support with textboxes... very odd... simple_smile Oh well...

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 19-Nov-2004 20:18:27   

Yeah we have to wait till .Net 2.0 to get entity binding =/, but I have to say I love .Net 2.0 so far, drag once binding owns, and so do about 100 other new features, they do have a couple performance issues with interfaces and generics that suck and its unclear if they will be resolved in 2.0 or post 2.0 =/


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 20-Nov-2004 11:27:04   

That bug was recently re-opened after a storm of critizism (which was nothing more than correct, I mean: spend a lot of time on a feature no-one really will use to be more productive: E&C, but this has to wait because of the lack of resources and time... huh?) but I doubt they will fix it for .NET 2.0.

If they leave this in the framework it can be a major blow for generics. And the slowdowns aren't marginal, they're significant.

(edit): this bug

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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