New features in v5.11

Entity Framework Core v8.x support

The designer now supports Entity Framework Core v8.x on .NET 8+
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.NET 8

.NET 8 is now a supported framework.

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To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.11, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.

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To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.11, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.10

Runtime: Appending where and orderby clauses to nested sets in derived model queries.

Derived Model fetching now allows for additional where / orderby clauses to be specified for nested sets in the projection. This is implemented using Linq.
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Runtime: Support for insert into ... select queries.

The framework now supports inserting entities directly based on a query (INSERT INTO ... SELECT ...). This is implemented using QuerySpec.
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Entity Framework Core v7.x support

The designer now supports Entity Framework Core v7.x on .NET 6+
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.NET 7

.NET 7 is now a supported framework.

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To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.10, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.

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To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.10, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.9

Designer: Highlighting of related elements of a selected element

The designer will now highlight related elements (mapped targets, related entities, relationships using a field, etc.) for one or more selected elements in the project explorer or catalog explorer.
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Runtime: .NET 6 specific Linq constructs support

New .NET 6 specific IQueryable method implementations are added (ExceptBy/IntersectBy, First/Single/LastOrDefault with a default value specified, MaxBy/MinBy), as well as implementations of some IQueryable methods which were previously not supported (Last/LastOrDefault, Reverse)
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Entity Framework Core v6.x support

The designer now supports Entity Framework Core v6.x on .NET 6
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.NET 6, Visual Studio 2022 support

.NET 6 is now a supported framework and Visual Studio 2022 is now supported as an integration host for the designer.

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To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.9, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.

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To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.9, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.8

Clone functionality for projects.

The LLBLGen Pro Designer now offers a managed way to create clones of the active project to create a new working copy of the active project to e.g. try things out without worrying where to roll back to when something doesn't turn out to be ok. Project clones remember their parent and are managed in a tree, where a clone of project X is shown as a child of X.
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Local sync source overrides

It's now possible to locally override sync sources set on a per-schema level, so every team member can specify their own sync source for a schema. This allows one team to use both model first and database first on the same schema without manually changing sync sources for every sync.
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Entity Framework Core v5.x support

The designer now supports Entity Framework Core v5.x on .Netstandard 2.1 (.NET Core 3.x / .NET 5+).
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Oracle support for Entity Framework Core

Oracle using ODP.NET is now supported on Entity Framework Core 3.x and 5.x.

To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.8, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.

To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.8, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.7

Add an unlimited number of custom code generation tasks

Previously when you generated code, you got for each model in your project a code generation task: one for the entity model, and one for each derived model you have in your project. Starting with v5.7 you now can add custom additional code generation tasks for a model, without limits, and additionally code generation tasks which target the whole project.

This allows to e.g. generate documentation for the models in your project, to add custom templates to generate service code or e.g. an ASP.NET website, without touching the shipped presets and templates.
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Generate extensive model documentation

Starting with this release you can generate extensive documentation from the complete project, including entities, mappings and table definitions, as well as derived models and their structure. The documentation is generated as markdown in the DocNet format. DocNet is an open source static site generator which we use for our own documentation as well.

To see it in action, please visit the two example sites we've setup: a project based on the Northwind database and an Inheritance model based project.
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The SQL editor with a select query and the results after executing it.

Full SQL editor right in the designer

The SQL Editor allows you to execute a single SQL statement or multiple SQL statements in a batch on the RDBMS system of the meta data in the project. It allows you to view resultsets and messages returned by the RDBMS, as well as rudimentary timings how long the execution of a batch took.

It's also integrated in the generation of DDL SQL scripts which can be opened in the SQL editor after they're been created so you can execute them directly.
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Derived Models can now be materialized using QuerySpec

Our own state-of-the-art ORM framework, LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework offers multiple query systems, but for the derived model feature in the designer only Linq was supported. Starting with v5.7 you can now use the other major query system of the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework: QuerySpec, as a query system for working with Derived Models.
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To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.7, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.

To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.7, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.6

Better spatial type support

The LLBLGen Pro Designer now supports spatial types on PostgreSql (through the NetTopologySuite package) and can work with spatial types without the presence of Microsoft.SqlServer.Types on the system. The LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework now also supports spatial types on PostgreSql.
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New startup dialog

To make startup of the designer faster and make you more focused on the tasks ahead, we added a better startup dialog and at the same time made the designer process tasks at startup in parallel, creating a faster experience.
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Automatic code generation on project save

As a continuation to automate tasks in the designer we've added automatic code generation on project save. As soon as you've configured the code generation tasks, saving your project will generate the source code in the background. This makes it even easier to simply make a change and have things updated.
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Generate ad-hoc templates with a code generation task

LLBLGen Pro v5.6 comes with the ability to specify one or more simple files which enlist the templates you want to run additionally to the general preset you'd run for a task. Each time you generate code, these ad-hoc templates will be executed as well.
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Much more...

There's much more new and adjusted in LLBLGen Pro v5.6. How about

  • Entity Framework Core 2.2 and 3.0 support
  • .NET 4.8 support
  • .NET Standard 2.1 support
  • Visual Studio 2019 integration
  • More skins/colors
  • Better dark theme support in various UI elements
  • Search ability in various UI elements
  • Lots of small changes/fixes


There's much more new and adjusted in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.6. How about

  • Breadth-first search based graph traversal in entity graph persistence
  • Empty resultsets are now cached
  • Optimized prefetch paths when parent nodes are just 1 element
  • Target hint and Temporal Table predicates can now be specified on prefetch path nodes in Linq and QuerySpec.

To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.6, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.

To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.6, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.5

Entity Framework Core 2.1 support

Entity Framework Core 2.1 is now a supported framework, which comes with more features from the designer now supported on Entity Framework Core. Additionally, the generated code has been adjusted to make it more extensible.
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Runtime: Insert / Update query batching

LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework now supports batching of insert and update queries into single DbCommand objects which great helps with performance, especially when using a database over a connection with high latency, like a cloud database.
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Runtime: Window specification support (OVER() Clause)

The LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework now comes with support for the SQL OVER() clause, which is used with window functions. OVER() allows aggregates and specific window functions to define a window in the resultset. Existing aggregate functions can be extended with an OVER() clause and window functions like RANK() and FIRST_VALUE() are now supported and can be specified directly in an LLBLGen Pro query together with an OVER() clause
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Runtime: support for Union / Union All in Linq / QuerySpec

The LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework finally gets support for a feature that has been requested for many times: support for UNION and UNION ALL in queries. For Linq, there's now full support for .Union() and .Concat(). For QuerySpec, the support comes in the form of two new methods: Union() and UnionAll()
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There's much more new and adjusted in LLBLGen Pro v5.5. To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.5, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.


To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.5, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.4

Designer: much faster code generation

The code generator pipeline has been reworked and further optimized, which will result in 2x-3x faster code generation than before.

Designer: addition of CliSyncWithDatabase command line tool

The CliSyncWithDatabase command line tool is the re-incarnation of the CliRefresher tool available in old versions, and it's now available for v5. It allows you to refresh catalogs (sync with a database) on the command line.
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Designer: lots of small UI tweaks / additions

We've added lots of small UI elements and tweaks, like more context menus to the project explorer so you can immediately jump to an element's editor with one click, generate DDL SQL scripts for a selected set of databases instead of all databases, the search/replace dialog in the template editor is now embedded at the top of the editor instead of a floating dialog and much more.

Runtime: much smaller generated code base, same features

The generated code for the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework is now much smaller, especially for Adapter. This leads to faster compilation times and faster code generation times (on top of the faster code generator in v5.4). A lot of code has been moved to the base classes. These changes have no negative memory impact nor performance impact, in fact memory consumption in prefetch paths is slightly better now.

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There's much more new and adjusted in v5.4. To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.4, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.


To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.4, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.3

.NET Standard 2.0 support

The LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework now supports .NET Standard 2.0 with almost all features available on .NET Full. This makes it possible to use the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework on .NET Core 2.0 and Xamarin.
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New RuntimeConfiguration system

The LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework now has a RuntimeConfiguration system to configure specific behavior and settings in code instead of in .config files. Mainly meant for .NET Standard 2.0 using applications but it's also available for .NET Full.
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Entity Framework Core 2.0 support

Entity Framework Core v2.0 is now a supported framework. Additionally the POCO templates have been updated to allow better extensibility.
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Query Tagging

The two main query systems in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework, Linq and QuerySpec, now have the ability to let you mark (tag) the SQL query or queries generated with a tag. This tag is a string which is added as a comment before the actual query string. This way you can easily track back the SQL query on a database server to the actual calling code without a profiler / stacktrace.
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There's much more new and adjusted in v5.3. To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.3, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.


To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.3, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.2

Model- and Meta-data Analysis

Model- and Meta-data analysis reports non-error issues and suggestions for the model and meta-data in the project in real time. All suggestions and warnings are reported with ready-to-use actions you can click on to directly execute an action (e.g. map all unmapped tables to entities).
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Creating a project with initial content

Creating a project now asks for 'Initial contents' for the project. The options are: 'Empty project' (which is equal to the Create Project in previous versions), 'Relational model data retrieved from a database' or 'Relational model data container for a database'. The last two starts their respective wizards after the project has been created so the user doesn't have to look for the option in the user interface.
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Several Entity Framework Core Enhancements

Entity Framework Core v1.1.x is now supported and read-only entities are now supported.
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.NET Standard 1.6 support

.NET Standard 1.6 is now a supported platform, for Entity Framework Core and the DTO classes framework.

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There's much more new and adjusted in v5.2. To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.2, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.


To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.2, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.1

Entity Framework Core support

The LLBLGen Pro designer now supports Entity Framework Core v1.x, the new version of Microsoft's Entity Framework ORM.
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Target hint support

The LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework now supports select target hints for SQL Server and MySQL in Linq and QuerySpec queries.
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The LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework now lets you execute plain SQL statements using parameters directly onto the database, including fetching resultsets and projecting the resultsets to POCO classes. With this API you don't need a microORM on the side anymore for those situations where the runtime couldn't give you the right query. This API is also very fast: fetching a query is faster than most microORMs.
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Temporal (History) table support

The LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework now supports temporal tables for SQL Server 2016 and higher/ DB2 , through Linq / QuerySpec (Select / fetch queries only). Temporal tables are an easy, friction free way to store previous versions of modified / deleted rows in a table. The temporal table support in LLBLGen Pro allows you to include older versions of entities when querying.
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There's much more new and adjusted in v5.1. To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.1, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.


To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.1, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

New features in v5.0

Derived Models support

Define derived models on top of the entity model. Use them to produce hierarchical projected, denormalized sets, and for example store them in document databases, or use them as DTOs in MVC models or exposed as a service to client-side frameworks. You can target a different framework in each derived model. Support for several document databases (MongoDB, RavenDB and a generic document DB) has been added, as well as read-only / read-write DTO projections.
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New relational model data sync system

Sync replaces both database first related actions like refresh catalog, and model first related actions like auto-map and adjust relational model data. Everything is managed from a single tab, the Sync Relational Model Data tab. With a simple click on a button you can now sync the relational model data in your project with the model and with relational databases. It also allows scenarios where you e.g. sync table definitions with your entity model (model first) but at the same time refresh your views and stored procedure meta data from a relational database.
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The Sync Relational Model Data tab: one place to perform all synchronization, with one button

Real-time validation

The designer now validates a project in real-time using the real-time task system. Every change to the project triggers a validation cycle which is started after a short interval. This allows quick feedback for every change you make. Of course every warning / error found in validation comes with suggestions and helpful instructions on how to correct them, so you're quickly back on track.

New, skinnable/themable modern UI

The designer now comes with a new user interface, which is skinnable / themable and comes with a series of pre-defined themes. It looks / feels modern with a flat design, new icons and color themes the user can choose from to meet their needs. The new user interface is accompanied with new features like floating editors. When using the designer integrated inside Visual Studio.NET, the LLBLGen Pro designer's theme is set to the same theme as the VS.NET color theme.

The LLBLGen Pro designer, integrated in Visual Studio, using the Dark Theme

Even faster runtime framework

The LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework in v5 is even faster than before. Queries using projections in Linq or QuerySpec are now 30-40% faster than in v4.2 and are in general faster than a lot of the existing MicroORMs. See:

Auto-referencing generated VS.NET projects

The code generators now automatically reference VS.NET project files generated by the code generator in the same cycle. This means that when the designer generates two VS.NET projects for example, A and B, and B has a dependency on A, the VS.NET project file of B automatically references A so you don't have to do that manually anymore.

Search in Project Explorer / Catalog Explorer

Directly available in the Project Explorer and Catalog Explorer are the search boxes: type in any string and the nodes matching the string are kept, all other nodes are filtered out.

Revamped Home tab

The Home tab now shows easy access links to the last opened projects as well as to support and documentation

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There's much more new and adjusted in v5.0. To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Designer v5.0, please visit its 'what's new' page in the Designer documentation.


To get a detailed overview of what's new in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework v5.0, please visit its 'what's new' page in the LLBLGen Pro Runtime Framework documentation as well.

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