How to improve the performance

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Joined: 01-Dec-2006
# Posted on: 24-Apr-2007 09:42:44   

llblgen v2.0 .net 2005 C# Oracle 10g / SqlServer 2000

i have performance problems on llblgen. Although i remove relations on some entities by running plug - in, it takes too much time to create the llblgen objects and fetching the entity collections. For example after the first fetch or after the first time a form is opened; Other times it does not take as much time as the first one. Is it about serializing or something else. what can i do more on improving the performance. this is the main problem of my project. cry

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# Posted on: 24-Apr-2007 15:02:30   

I would check your code. A while back I thought I had a performance problem with LLBL but it ended up being a problem with the way I used it. I was creating thousands of account entities during an import process and was trying to set the branch they belong to by setting the Branch property on the account entity to another branch entity i already had available. This worked becuase when I saved the account entity, the correct branch number was being assiged to it but what I didn't realize was the branch entity was keeping a hold of the account entities in memory and not letting them dispose until I destoryed the branch entity. I thought it was a memory problem in LLBL and almost had to redo the process till i used a memory profiler to figure it out. Frans and his team have put a lot of work into this product and their are very few true performance problems with it.

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LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 24-Apr-2007 15:04:01   

An example of a piece of code which is very slow would be very helpful. Also, please check if you for example load a truckload of data into memory while you shouldn't do so, for example if you're using selfservicing, it might be that you accidently trigger lazy loading and load a lot of data.

Try to narrow down a specific example, and investigate what's executed exactly, which queries are ran on your database by enabling tracing.

Also please check if you're not loading a lot of data into grids for example. Storing 100,000 rows in a grid is really slow and useless: no user can look over 100,000 rows, in that case use paging.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
mihies avatar
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# Posted on: 25-Apr-2007 09:03:22   

nefise wrote:

llblgen v2.0 .net 2005 C# Oracle 10g / SqlServer 2000

i have performance problems on llblgen. Although i remove relations on some entities by running plug - in, it takes too much time to create the llblgen objects and fetching the entity collections. For example after the first fetch or after the first time a form is opened; Other times it does not take as much time as the first one. Is it about serializing or something else. what can i do more on improving the performance. this is the main problem of my project. cry

You are probably facing another two features (other than fetching too many records): - when form/code is first time executed it is compiled by JIT compiler. This is default .net behaviour - first connection to database requires a physical one which takes some time. Next connection just uses the first available phyisical connection from connection pool and thus it is much faster.