Additions to forum.

wayne avatar
Posts: 611
Joined: 07-Apr-2004
# Posted on: 14-Jun-2004 12:25:33   

Hi Otis

Is it possible to add a option to only show the first x maybe 5 lines of a old message? With an expansion option per message to show the whole message? I know i can filter to the last 48 hours - but i would still like to refer back to old messages.

Some of the messages in the threads are very long and takes forever to load (chows bandwith) and usually you are only interested in the new messages. For example this thread takes forever to load because of the message sizes.

I am only noticing this, now that i am using my ISDN - so assume other users that do not have ADSL must be experiencing the same problem.

Thanks for the RSS - i must still get a reader.

Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 14-Jun-2004 12:37:03   

Then the question arises: what's too long? simple_smile

Most of the messages are small enough though. It now gets you 25 messages per page default, as there is no user profile setting for that. This might be a good change, so you can opt for for example 10 messages per page.

Btw, it is among others, your posting which is extremely long in that thread. wink

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
wayne avatar
Posts: 611
Joined: 07-Apr-2004
# Posted on: 14-Jun-2004 12:56:03   

Then the question arises: what's too long?

Don't worry about what's to long - rather worry about what is old.simple_smile

This might be a good change, so you can opt for for example 10 messages per page.

It is not the number of messages that is the problem - it is the size of the messages. 10 big messages is not equal to 10 small messages.simple_smile

I think anything over 10 lines that you have seen already(Old) need to be collapesed by default so that only the first 10 lines are visible. This message will then need an expand option.simple_smile

Btw, it is among others, your posting which is extremely long in that thread.

I am a victim of the circumstancescry - No Upload Code file ability.wink