Well, with a service based interface, you typically have methods like:
UpdateInvoice(customer as CustomerEntity, invoice as InvoiceEntity, details as EntityCollection) or LateCustomers(daysPastDue as int) as entityCollection.
All I am trying to do is jump start the wireframe coding for making calls to UpdateInvoice and LateCustomer. Yes, testers need to be aware, that valid objects need to be passed, and they need to be somewhat familiar with the data.
So, I have been playing around with this code gen harness tool. Basically, I am at the point where I need to write a quick tool that extracts metadata from the services layer and put it into an xml file that can be parsed by some XSLT templates that I define.
So to answer
Or are you looking for a generator which sets up the initial framework for the unit tests, and you fill in the actual test conditions yourself?
Yes, I want to code gen the basic test cases, and do some of the initial work, like providing constructors for objects, setting initial values, initializing dataAccessAdapters.