Need different DataAccess Layer and DataObject layer within LLBGenGenerated Code

Posts: 55
Joined: 08-Aug-2006
# Posted on: 07-Sep-2006 21:01:28   

Hi I have this peculiar requirement. I want to have 2 DB schemas in 2 different DataObject models(2 LLBL Database Generic project), however 1 DataAccess mechanism. So output will be ::

  1. Generic BL

  2. Schema 1 - DataBaseGeneric Project without EntityCollection and TypeDefault Class of HelperClasses.

  3. Schema 2 - DataBaseGeneric Project without HelperClass(Helper class can be moved to a common project for both Schemas).

  4. Common DataAccess layer - DatabaseSpecific Project(need to think what to do with PersistenceInfoProvider.cs, else everything else in same simple_smile ).

I know that 2 oracle schemas can be included in signle LLBLGen project, but i dont want that simple_smile .

First question is , Is it achievable ? If yes ? If No, any other suggestions.


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 08-Sep-2006 09:25:57   

It's always good to know: Why do you want it this way?

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 55
Joined: 08-Aug-2006
# Posted on: 12-Sep-2006 17:28:51   

Actually we need 2 BL(Business specific, there are 2 domains involved) , 2 DataObject model, but 1 EntityManager(Generic) . These different BLs will talk to Generic EntityManager always. Now Inturn Generic EntityManager will call DAL(Generated by LLBL) for schema 1 or schema 2, which is not possible in current scenario as both DAL has got there own DataAccess Logic( like DataAccessAdapter).

Hope I answered your question simple_smile

Jessynoo avatar
Support Team
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# Posted on: 12-Sep-2006 20:42:18   


I don't think there is anything that prevents using a common dbspecific dll

As you noticed, the main task consist in merging the persistenceinfofactory. This pretty much straight forward.

If your schemas share the same access, then that's about it.

If you don't have the same connection string/catalog/schema, you will have to procide those elements at dataaccessadapter instanciation time.
