LlblGenPro Help in Vs2005

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# Posted on: 07-Jul-2006 18:42:47   

f you have your help filtered on C# or VB the LlblGen Help is filtered out.

Doesn't seem (to me) like it should be?

I wonder how hard it would be to have it included in those filters?

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 07-Jul-2006 19:31:38   

I think this is a MSDN help thing, I can't specify that it should show up when you enable this or that filter, unfortunately.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 07-Jul-2006 20:25:29   

Don't know how they do it, but both Resharper v2.0 and QuickSoft EasyMail both survive the c# filter.

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# Posted on: 08-Jul-2006 00:47:29   

I haven't seen this as option in DocumentX which we use, I'll re-check simple_smile

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 09-Jul-2006 08:32:27   

I don't how to automate this for an MSI installation but your could try this for now: (I'm using VS2003 at the moment but I would imagine its the same in VS2005)

Choose Help, Edit Filters Select the Visual C# Filter from the drop-down list Modify the Filter Definition to include the LLBLGen documentation There are lots of filter attributes but DocSet is probably the one you need to add

Also you can create a new filter - (eg "Visual C# and LLBLGenPro") if you want to keep the original in its virgin state.

Cheers Simon

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# Posted on: 09-Jul-2006 11:40:11   

simmotech wrote:

I don't how to automate this for an MSI installation but your could try this for now: (I'm using VS2003 at the moment but I would imagine its the same in VS2005)

Choose Help, Edit Filters

I can't find this in the vs.net 2005 help or IDE. THough I remember having seen it in the vs.net 2003 help

Select the Visual C# Filter from the drop-down list Modify the Filter Definition to include the LLBLGen documentation There are lots of filter attributes but DocSet is probably the one you need to add

Also you can create a new filter - (eg "Visual C# and LLBLGenPro") if you want to keep the original in its virgin state. Cheers Simon

When I check the msdn help for help filters, I see you can do that with merge modules. I don't use the VSIP SDK (which you need for this) to create/register help, so I can't use this. I can't find anything in the DocumentX help nor IDE about defining extra filters.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 24-Jul-2006 05:54:52   

Hmmm. I have run the install bat file for VS2005, but I'm not getting any LLBL sections in the help. All I have is SQL 2005 help stuff (I did not install the MSDN help locally -- not sure if that matters). The first time I ran the bat file then hit F1 VS acted like it was recompiling the help system, but nothing new showed up. I've looked through all the available options regarding help and see nothing that helps. I've closed and reopened VS, unregistered and re-registered the LLBL help, etc.

Anyone have any ideas?

Otis avatar
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# Posted on: 24-Jul-2006 09:09:33   

You have any filters active in the VS.NET help?

(edit): I can't reproduce it. - I've unregistered the help. - started VS.NET 2005 - help contents doesn't show llblgen pro v2 help - registered the help - contents still doesn't show it (because help isn't re-read) - closed vs.net - restarted vs.net - opened contents again -> help was there.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
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# Posted on: 29-Jul-2006 00:08:45   

OK, this topic was not that important, but it was annoying me simple_smile

I have VS2003 and VS2005 installed side-by-side. When opening VS2005 and hitting F1, I was getting only SQL Server 2005 help and nothing else with no filter options. As I stated last time, I did not install MSDN LIbrary locally (important...).

Out of curiosity, I opened the VS2003 help viewer, and although there were no help topics listed, I saw a reference to the "VS .NET Combined Help Collection Manager." Clicking on that led to a help page that had all available help modules listed, including LLBL! I checked LLBL and clicked the "Update VSCC" button, which added it to the VS 2003 help collection, but not to the VS2005 help collection. confused

I suspect that the root issue is my not having MSDN Library 2005 installed -- my guess is that the MSDN installation updates something/adds a new path/whatever that I'm missing, and that if I had already had it the LLBL install would have gone to the right place. I've seen references to VSCC being deprecated in favor of VSIPCC, which would explain why my update above only added it to 2003.

I don't have the MSDN library discs at the moment, but I'll try installing it later and see if that fixes the issue. I'll post an update here with what I find.