The hierarchy tree in the designer...

Posts: 167
Joined: 13-Jan-2006
# Posted on: 02-Jul-2006 02:46:29   

I like the hierarchy tree in the llblGen designer app and sure would love to have something similar in a web app I'm developing where I need to display organization charts.

Is this a third party component? If so, can you tell me the name of the company that produces it? Hopefully they also have a version for the .NET web.


Otis avatar
LLBLGen Pro Team
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# Posted on: 02-Jul-2006 09:22:12   

You mean the inheritance tab in the entity editor? That's made with the Netron library. The netron library was open source however the author sold it to a diagramming firm:

LLBLGen Pro uses a modified Netron library v2.2 (so it actually works) and with custom shapes.

It's still at sourceforge of course wink ->

It also seems to have been continued by others:

Apparently the original author couldn't keep spending time on the project as he also had to eat, naturaly. It's unfortunate that he had to sell the stuff to a competitor, but that's life I guess.

It won't work with webforms, it uses GDI routines and other low-level stuff, so on the web you're not able to use this.

Frans Bouma | Lead developer LLBLGen Pro
Posts: 167
Joined: 13-Jan-2006
# Posted on: 03-Jul-2006 20:03:52   

Netron. Thanks.

Yes, I need it for web forms. I'll have a look at the source and see about feasibility of adding a translation layer to convert GDI calls to HTML rendering. Or maybe something like SVG. simple_smile

Anyone looking for something like this for web forms and interested in working on such a project?