horo wrote:
Thx for answer,
I've already read the chapter you recommended, maybe I still miss something...
(I do know how to access custom properties in generated code programmaticaly, but this is not the case)
What I would like to do is create a custom property in project level (similar to not custom properties like <[RooNameSpace]>), and use it in templates in similar way.
For example I would like to define a project custom property named Test with Value=Hello, in llblgen designer property window and refer to it in my custom template text as llblgen uses it's own macros: <[Test]>.
This gives me the result literally the macro reference itself: "<[Test]>" and not Hello.
Is it possible?
The <[ ]> statements are tokens of TDL which is parsed and interpreted by the TDL parser/interpreter combination. So you can't create new statements in your own templates. That said, if you want to have the value of the custom property 'Test' generated into your code, use:
<[ Foreach CustomProperty Project]>
<[If StringValueEquals CustomPropertyName "Test"]><[CustomPropertyValue]><[EndIf]>
Not ideal, so if possible in this, use an .lpt include template which gives you more flexibility