Otis wrote:
jeffreygg wrote:
d00d i want 2 be a l77t h4x0r. can u show me? lololol d0 u have w4ar3z?!!!!!1111!!!! lolololol
hehe but.. now google will redirect those w4r3z d00dz to this forum
Now j00 will be p0wned.
Uhhhh, as for the original topic: no, I don't know of any forums quite as good as this one. However, for most forums the signal/noise ratio is too low, so I don't even bother anymore, so admittedly, I'm not very well connected in the forum scene.
I'd say the quality of this forum has much to do with the quality and sophistication of the product and the level of developer that that attracts, or possibly even the incredible support Frans gives, but I think we all know the truth: it probably has more to do with Aglaia and the picture she posted for her avatar than Frans is willing to admit.
Aglaia, I knew the moment you posted your first post you were in for trouble. The relative professionalism of your average developer is simply no match for the highly concentrated form of collective immaturity found in a geek forum. In light of this, I think you should revert your avatar to the following picture.
It's the only way we'll really know how good the product really is.